Page 41 of Irreplaceable
I smiled. “No problem.”
“I’m going to head out,” Harrison said. “I’m meeting Crew, Reg, and some of the guys for dinner. We’re supposed to talk about that fundraiser next month.”
“That’s tonight?” Juliana asked.
“Yeah, but we’ll get together with the WAGs another time.”
I tilted my head to the side. “WAGs?”
“Yeah.” He chuckled. “Wives and girlfriends.”
“I still think it should be wives and partners,” Juliana said.
“Right.” He chuckled. “Because I’m sure you’d love being referred to as a WAP.”
I cringed, though it was funny. “The man has a point.”
Juliana shook her head, then turned to Harrison. “You want to invite them here another time? We could do something out back.”
“I’d love that.” He gave her a peck. “Love you.”
“Love you too.” She smiled, her eyes never leaving him even as he walked away. It wasn’t until the door to the garage closed that she returned her attention to me.
“Ah, to be a newlywed.” I grinned, propping my chin in my hand.
“This look—” She pointed to her face in a circular motion. “This is how you looked any time you talked about Enzo.”
My face fell. “Yeah. Before I realized what an asshole he was.”
She tilted her head to the side. “Huh?”
I cringed. I hadn’t meant to let that slip out, but luckily the doorbell rang, saving me. I rushed to answer it, assuming it would be Alexis and Lauren.
“Oh, Harper.” Alexis wrapped me up in a hug. “I’m sure you have so many emotions right now, but being a mom is the best.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Like a hot-mess express.”
She laughed, and Lauren gave me a hug. “Well, then it’s a good thing we brought the spa to you.”
“What?” My eyes darted toward the door, where several people were carrying in footbaths and massage tables and suitcases. “I feel disgusting.”
“You won’t by the time we’re through. It’s girls’ night in,” Lauren said.
The food arrived, and Lauren, Juliana, Alexis, and I ate while they finished setting up. Fortunately, we’d been too preoccupied for Juliana to press me about what I’d said earlier—about Enzo being an asshole.
“So, have you thought at all about how this will affect your travel schedule?” Alexis asked.
I choked on my food, coughing a little before taking a sip of water. “I haven’t even… I haven’t thought that far ahead. I’m still kind of reeling, to be honest.”
I turned to Juliana, trying to remember any of the conversation. “What did Dr. Fulton say about it?” I racked my brain for answers, but none came.
“To email with any questions,” Juliana said, and I appreciated her even more for going with me to the appointment.
“Please tell me you’re going to find out if you’re having a boy or girl,” Lauren said.