Page 108 of A Love Like That
When Savannah shushed Maddox, I frowned. “You thought what?”
“Savannah?” Tristan prompted.
She closed her eyes and took a breath. When she reopened them, she focused her attention on me. “Maddox thought you wouldn’t leave if you couldn’t find him. He was going to hide until after your flight was supposed to leave.”
My heart ached at her admission. Both the idea that they were so desperate for me to stay. And that Maddox would vanish so I couldn’t leave.
I was so tempted to tell her I wouldn’t go, but I couldn’t. I’d come too far to give up now. Besides, what would I even do if I stayed? Offer to keep living with them? Get a job in town? Take classes online?
For so long, my future plans had included the JET Program and moving to Japan that it was difficult to imagine anything else. I wanted to stay, but my relationship with Tristan was still a secret. And I didn’t have much of a future in this town. As I’d told my mom, if it weren’t for Tristan and the kids, I’d already have figured out a way to leave.
But I couldn’t tell Savannah all that, so I said, “I love you both so much, you know that?”
Savannah nodded. “Love you too.”
“And I’m not the only one. Mimi, Pops, Grannie and Grandpa, your dad.”
“But it’s not the same,” Savannah cried. “They’re not you.”
Her words ripped me apart. What remained of my heart was shredded.
“Come here,” I said, opening my arms for her to join Maddox. “Come on.” I beckoned her in.
“Please don’t go, Auntie Ellie,” Savannah pleaded. “Please. Dad’s happier now that you’re here, and so are we. We don’t want to…” She swallowed hard. “I don’t want it to be like after Mommy died.”
“Sweetheart,” I said, lifting her chin. “It won’t be like that. And you know how I know?”
She shook her head.
“Because you and Maddox and your dad are strong. You’re the strongest people I know. I may have helped you, and I will always be here for you. But you’re going to be just fine. I know it.”
“Well, I don’t.” She pouted.
“Yeah.” Maddox sulked.
Tristan’s phone rang, and he went to the kitchen to take the call.
“I need you guys to promise me a few things,” I said in a solemn tone.
“What?” Maddox asked.
“I need you to promise that you won’t scare your dad like that again. And that you’ll always listen to what he says because he loves you and wants the best for you.”
They nodded in unison and said, “We promise.”
“And I need you to take care of him after I’m gone,” I said. “And yourselves.”
They nodded again, and then I pulled both of them to me for a hug. I kept thinking of Tessa. Of how terrifying it must have been to go into surgery knowing how grim the outcomes were, and the very real possibility that she’d never see Maddox and Savannah again.
Tristan returned to the living room and took a seat on the couch. He shared a look with me but said nothing.
“Any news about Rex?” Savannah asked him.
He shook his head, his expression solemn. “The Vineposted about it, and everyone in town is looking for him.”
“But—” Savannah’s lip quivered again, and a tear slid down her cheek. “I’m worried about him.”
“Wewillfind Rex,” Tristan said with more confidence than I felt. This was all my fault. “He’s a smart dog, and he’ll be okay.”