Page 30 of A Love Like That
I hesitated a moment then nodded. “Thanks, Liam. It was good to see you.”
“You too, Ellie.” He gave me a side hug.
I headed inside and intercepted Bennett on his way to the back door. I glanced around, wondering where Tristan was. “Did Maddox call out?” I asked, hoping he hadn’t had another night terror. They were awful.
Bennett shook his head. “No. Tristan said he was going to take something for his knee and go to bed.”
“Oh. Okay. Thanks.”
“I’m glad you made him ice it.”
I laughed. “Not sure he agrees.”
“He will.” Bennett took a step forward then paused. “It’s nights like this, I really feel Tessa’s absence,” Bennett said, surprising me. “She often joined us after putting the kids to bed.”
“I know this hasn’t been easy on him. On any of them.”
Bennett shook his head, and for a moment, it looked as if he might cry. “I can only imagine the pain he’s feeling. If anything ever happened to Wren…” Silence hung in the air, along with his unspoken sentiment. The strength of his love for his wife was clear.
“I know,” I said, wishing I could comfort Bennett. “He misses her. We all do.”
Bennett’s expression was solemn as he placed his hand on my arm. “I’m not sure I ever told you this, but I’m sorry for your loss, Ellie. Tessa loved you very much.”
I swallowed hard, appreciating his words. “Thank you.”
“Well, I better head out. If you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to give Wren or me a call.” He handed me a business card for the Alondra Valley Animal Clinic, where his name and contact information were printed. Then another for Little Bird photography studio with Wren’s name.
I took both and thanked him before locking the back door. Rex was sleeping in his bed in the laundry room, Hedgie tucked safely in her cage. I checked the front door before heading upstairs.
The kids were both sound asleep in their room, their night-light casting colorful shapes on the walls and ceiling. I smiled, watching them sleep peacefully, then continued down the hall to my room. Tristan’s door was ajar, the lights off.
I was tempted to peek inside, but I stopped myself. I was… Well, I didn’t know what I was doing. He was my brother-in-law, and opening that door would only get me in trouble.
Ellie,a little voice whispered.
I rolled over in my sleep, hugging my pillow to me. It was warm beneath the covers, and I didn’t want to get up.
“Ellie.” The little voice called to me again. “Auntie Ellie.”
I jolted awake, realizing it wasn’t a dream.
“What’s wrong?” I turned on the light and found Savannah standing beside my bed. Her eyes were rimmed red, and she worried her bottom lip.
“It’s Rex.” She sniffled. “Something’s wrong. He’s whining like he’s in pain. And he threw up on the floor.”
Ugh. Great.
I pushed back the covers and stood, rubbing my hands over my face.
“Where’s your dad?” I asked, wondering why she hadn’t gone to Tristan first. Half wishing she had so I wouldn’t have to clean up this mess. I wassonot good with vomit.
Savannah sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and shook her head quickly. “He’s really out of it.”
That concerned me. As a solo parent, Tristan had mentioned he was often hyperalert to sounds. But if his knee had been bothering him… I frowned, wondering if I should check on him.
“Please.” She tugged on my hand, urgency surging beneath her words. “Will you come? I’m really worried about Rex.”