Page 94 of A Love Like That
“And if they do?” Gloria asked.
“Well, then the ‘T’ could be for Tessa.” Though I’d wanted it to be for me.
Gloria shook her head. “I don’t like it. First,The Vinepost and now this?”
“You’ve never liked anything I’ve done, so I’m not sure why this is any different,” Elle said, standing abruptly. Her chair scraped along the floor, but she retained her poise. She turned to me. “I’m going to find the kids. Come get us when you’re ready to leave.”
I was proud of Elle for standing up to her mom. But with her departure and Dan still at the bar, I was left to endure the wrath of Gloria alone.
Gloria leaned across the table and lowered her voice. “HaveThe Vinepost taken down,” she commanded. “I know you can.”
I waved a hand through the air, unwilling to confirm or deny her claim. “It’s a silly gossip blog.”
“Oh, it’s so much more than that, and you know it.”
I leaned back, draping my arm over the seat next to mine. “I imagine removing a post would only lead to more speculation. But I’m not as well versed in maintaining the perfect public image as you are.”
She forced a smile. “It’s not the post that concerns me, but the perception it creates.”
“So what?” I asked, sick of her anger. Her accusations. “I’ve never cared what people think of me. Why should I start now?”
She leaned forward. “Perhaps not, but you do care about your children’s opinion and reputation.” I frowned, not liking where she was going with this. “And, as I mentioned before, I’m afraid that having Eleanor around isconfusing.”
“What exactly are you insinuating?” I wanted to cut straight through the bullshit. If she had the gall to accuse me of something, she damn well better come out and say it.
“Perhapsdistractingwould be more apt. And considering other ill-advised decisionsyou’ve made…” she said, a scarcely concealed dig at me for terminating Tessa’s life support.Wow.“It makes me question your ability to parent those children.”
I rubbed my brow as if to ward off my oncoming headache. She had no idea how hard I’d been trying to keep it together and all for those kids. And yet, she was questioning me and my choices.Unbelievable.
“Thosechildren?” I practically growled. “Savannah and Maddox aremychildren.” I jabbed at my chest. “Mine.And as their father, I’m the best person to know what they need.”
She lifted a shoulder, her expression unaffected. “I only want what’s best for Maddox and Savannah.”
“No.” I scoffed. “You want what’s best for you. You’re so out of touch with reality that you don’t realize how hurtful your comments and actions are. Your own daughters despised you. And if you’re not careful, you’ll alienate your grandchildren as well.”
I stood, tossing my napkin on the table. But Gloria stood as well, smoothing down her dress and forcing a smile as she grabbed my elbow. “And ifyou’renot careful, I’ll petition for custody.”
I straightened, though her threat had me off-kilter. Was there any basis to it? Could she take them away from me? Despite my fears, I refused to show any outward reaction.
I turned to her, my expression steely. “I’d like to see you try.”
I tore myself out of her hold and marched off. How dare she…
“Whoa,” Asher said, nearly colliding with me as I stomped down the hall toward the kitchen and restroom. “Uh-oh.” His teasing tone only set me further on edge. “Did someone hit on Ellie?”
I shook my head, my fists clenched. “Shut up, Asher. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He glanced toward the dining room. “I wonder how many tattoos she has.”
“Asher—” I charged at him, grabbing his chef’s jacket and hauling him against the wall. I’d had enough. Of Gloria’s threats. Of Asher’s taunts. “I’m warning you.”
“Ooh.” He smirked. “Looks like maybe you do still have that fire.”
The kitchen door opened, and one of the staff peeked out. “Chef?”
“Be right there,” Asher said, his eyes never leaving mine.
I held his coat a second longer, our gazes locked before I released him.