Page 15 of Yuletide Guard
Ashley smiled at the memory. “Last year I made marshmallow snowmen because Sawyer and I were going to drink hot chocolate and have a Christmas movie marathon, only then I found out that he’d been in love with me practically since we met. Everything blew up and then got crazy, and after it all, he made me marshmallow snowmen and asked me to move in with him. It just seemed like the perfect thing to incorporate into the wedding.”
“It’s perfect,” Samara whispered with a wistful air.
Although Ashley had never seen Samara date anyone in the years they'd been friends, it was clear that even though she might pretend she was happy being alone, she wasn't. Shewanted someone to share her life with, and whether Samara liked Christmas or not, she hoped that this holiday season Santa Claus would bring Samara exactly what she needed—someone to love her.
2:41 P.M.
He was furious.
More than furious.
What was the angriest a person could be?
Whatever it was, it had to be what he was feeling right now.
Dante almost couldn’t function. He wanted to throw his head back and scream until he lost his voice. He wanted to slam his fists into the wall until they were a bruised and bloody mess just to try to feel something else besides blinding rage.
He had to do something.
He couldn’t go on like this.
If he didn't find a way to let out some of the anger that was bubbling and festering inside him, then he was going to explode.
And that wouldn’t be a good thing.
So, what was he going to do?
Dante curled his fingers into his hair and squeezed until pain spiked through his scalp. It wasn't enough. He was vibrating with anger. It pulsed through him relentlessly, consuming him, filling him up, ready to come gushing out any second now.
“Argh,” he screamed, shaking his head as though he could physically relieve it of the fury burning inside it.
People passing by him on the sidewalk slowed down, giving him strange looks, and he realized that he was making a spectacle of himself.
Dropping his hands, he mumbled, “Headache.”
He had to pull it together before he ruined things more thanhe already had. If he’d been smarter yesterday, then he and Samara would already be at their new home. Instead, she had arrived home this morning with a man. Dante knew who the man was, Michael Stein, one of the bodyguards who worked at the same firm that Samara did. He had looked into every single person in her life so he had recognized the man immediately.
He had planned the day out so perfectly.
He had been up early and driven to Samara’s house to wait for her to come home. He’d brought flowers and her favorite chocolates and had been all ready to apologize for messing up the previous day. He had envisioned her forgiving him and explaining why she had been so scared she had jumped out of his car. He’d thought she would throw her arms around him, thank him for not giving up on her, and then he’d put her in his car and drive her out to the house he had bought for her. They’d kiss under the mistletoe and sit by the fire talking and laughing and drinking hot chocolate. Then they’d fall into bed together and make beautiful love.
It all would have been so incredibly magical.
But how could any of that happen so long as that man was staying with Samara?
He was keeping Samara from him.
That was unacceptable.
He would not let anyone get in the way of him and Samara being together. They were supposed to be together. Samara was the other half of his heart, without her he felt like one of those heart charms where you kept one half and gave the other to someone else. Samara was that someone, and he needed her. She needed him too. She needed someone to make her feel loved, who treated her like she was the special princess that she was.
As much as he wanted to storm Samara’s house and take her away, he wasn't stupid. As well as putting someone insideher house with her, they had probably put someone outside it as well. They would all have guns, and they would shoot him without a second thought. Even if they didn't and he managed to use a hostage to get inside, the only option would be to kill the bodyguard and any other bodyguards surrounding the house.
Bottom line, doing that would scare Samara, and that he would never do again.
That didn't mean he was going to let them keep the woman he loved.