Page 49 of Yuletide Guard
‘If they don’t let you come to me then I’ll go after the people they love’.
Accompanying the message was a photo.
Of Hannah carrying Noelle and Asher up the driveway toward her house.
They were wearing the same clothes they’d been in when they were here just ten minutes ago.
The stalker was at her friend’s house.
He was alreadyinsidethe house.
Her stalker was going to kill her nephew.
11:58 A.M.
She was really tired.
Hannah didn't remember being this tired last time around. Maybe it was because she hadn't really had a decent night’s sleep since her daughter was born almost two and a half years ago. Noelle wasn't a good sleeper. She often woke at least once during the night, and ever since they’d moved her from a crib to a bed,she usually came to their room and spent the rest of the night in bed with her and Tom.
That was why naptime was so important.
Noelle usually had a good hour nap in the afternoon, particularly if she’d had a busy morning, and the kids had had a great time visiting with Samara and Michael. Michael was great with kids, which was no surprise since he’d had a daughter who had died, and even Samara had ended up relaxing and just having fun. It looked like Michael would be good for Samara, and Hannah was glad that Samara was finally in a place where she was ready to try to let her past stay in the past.
“What do you guys want for lunch?” she asked as she carried both toddlers toward the front door.
“Hot cheese sandwich,” Noelle replied immediately. Her daughter was obsessed with grilled cheese sandwiches, some days she had them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
“Chicky nuggies,” Asher squealed. She looked after her husband’s partner’s little boy two days a week, and every single time she had him and asked what he wanted for lunch he said chicken nuggets.
“I think we can manage some grilled cheese sandwiches and chicken nuggets,” she said. Setting the two children down on the porch, she rifled through her bag for the keys she’d dropped in there when she’d gotten the kids out. If she put them down in the driveway, they were only going to go running off, chasing each other across the lawn, and she wasn't in the mood to go running after them. She wanted to get lunch done, then she’d read a few stories and tuck Noelle and Asher in, then she might go and have a lie-down.
“Cookies?” Noelle asked hopefully.
“I don’t think so, honey, you already had some at Samara’s house. As soon as we get inside, I want you two to take your shoes, coats, mittens, and beanies off and leave them all by thefront door,” she instructed as she found the key and slid it into the lock. She liked the kids to be as independent as possible, so she always had them do what they could on their own.
“Okay,” both children agreed.
“Inside,” she shepherded them inside when she pushed the door open, then pulled it behind her and locked it, then sagged against it. As much as she would love to lie down right now, she had to get through lunch first. Then this afternoon after they had all had a sleep the kids could help her bake cookies which she and Noelle would put out for Santa on Christmas Eve. Even before she’d had her daughter, she had left out cookies on Christmas Eve, it was a tradition from her childhood she hadn't been able to let go of. She loved sharing the tradition with her daughter and couldn’t wait to share it with this new little baby as well.
She rested a hand on her small baby bump. In five months, their lives would change forever. It was exciting and a little scary. Dealing with one child was one thing, but dealing with a newborn and a fiercely independent toddler was another. But two children meant twice as many kisses and cuddles, twice as many giggles and games, and twice as much love. They’d figure out how to deal with the practicalities just like they had the first time around.
“Great job, guys,” she said when she saw that Noelle and Asher had done as she asked. “Now run on through to the living room and play while I make lunch.”
The kids ran off, and Hannah pushed herself away from the door, only another hour or so until she could take a quick nap. If she threw on a load of laundry while she made lunch, then she could sleep a little longer. If she was lucky, then maybe the kids would sleep for two hours; sometimes they did when they were really tired.
Hannah was walking down the hall to the kitchen when herphone rang. She nearly ignored it because she was thinking about getting a jump start on dinner while she made lunch but thought better of it. If it was Tom calling to check in like he sometimes did, he’d only worry if she didn't answer.
When she pulled her phone from her bag she saw Michael’s name on the screen, not her husband’s. She must have left something at Samara’s house. Whatever it was it could stay there, she wasn't dragging the kids back to the car, strapping them in, driving all the way there, then back here again. She’d still have to make them lunch, and they’d be late getting down for their naps, and she wouldn’t have a chance to put a load of laundry on and start dinner, so she wouldn’t be able to lie down and nap while the kids napped.
“Hey, Michael, whatever we left Tom will pick up on—”
“Grab the kids and get out of the house,” Michael’s frantic voice interrupted her.
“What?” she asked, confused. She was tired and was sure she hadn't heard him correctly.
“He’s in the house,” Michael said. “The stalker. He just sent Samara a photo of you carrying the kids in from the car. The photo was taken from inside. Get Noelle and Asher and get out. We called the cops, and Tom, Samara, and I are on our way, but he’s already there, just get out, go to a neighbor’s house.”