Page 5 of Yuletide Guard
He looked up to see Chloe had ended her phone call and was now standing staring at him.
“What?” he asked.
“I might have found her.”
“What?” he asked again, a little more forcefully this time.
“An unidentified woman who matches Samara’s description was found at the side of the road near here shortly after when Samara was supposed to arrive. Witnesses say she threw herself out of a moving car.”
“Unidentified?” He knew that Samara’s purse was still inside her car because he'd seen it. If this was Samara then they couldn’t use ID to identify her, and if she couldn’t give the cops and doctors her name it was because she was too badly hurt.
“She’s unconscious,” Chloe said.
He had to go to the hospital, find out if this woman was his sister.
“Go.” Chloe nodded even though he hadn't said anything aloud. “Hannah is going to watch Asher. Tom and I will meet you there.”
Without a word, Fin kissed his wife, grabbed his keys, and left, praying that Samara would be all right. His sister had been through so much and was so busy trying to make up for something that she didn't have to make up for that she hadn't even noticed that her chance at happiness was staring her right in the face. He hoped the stalker hadn't stolen her chance at finding the happily ever after she deserved.
3:03 P.M.
“Mmm,” Samara groaned.
Her head beat like a drum, and she felt like she had been dunked in a bucket of ice.
She wanted to open her eyes and find out why she felt so bad, but she also wanted to crawl back into the peaceful slumber that she had been awakened from.
Samara was just rolling back down the hill to blissful unconsciousness when memories flooded her head. Parking her car outside her brother’s house, someone calling her name, her stalker, the gun. Being forced to get into his vehicle so she or no one else got shot, the stalker’s ramblings about some house he had bought for her and how happy they were going to be together. The fear of being trapped with him for the rest of her life. Jumping from the car, the pain as her body hit the road, and then spiraling into oblivion.
Where was she now?
Had the stalker pulled over to the side of the road and thrown her back into his car?
Had someone else found her and taken her to the hospital?
Her eyes snapped open, and ignoring the pain zigzagging inside her head, she bolted upright.
“Hey, it’s all right.” A face loomed in front of her, and for a moment, she thought it was her stalker’s.
Samara opened her mouth to scream but then her vision cleared and she realized who it was.
“It’s okay, Samara, it’s me, it’s Fin. You’re all right, you're in the hospital.”
“Fin,” she whispered, her voice hoarse.
She was safe.
At least for now.
But she knew the stalker wasn't going to leave her alone, he would keep coming back for her until he got her.
Her brother perched on the bed beside her and took one of her ice-cold hands in his warm one. “Was it him?” Fin asked.
She nodded.