Page 20 of Blissful Vixen
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After dinner, we sat at the table in comfortable silence while looking at one another. Words didn’t need to communicate that we were in a bubble where only the two of us existed. I learned what he was like as a child and about his ex-wife. Hardison explained the different reasons their relationship was doomed from the start, including the fact that he’d been in the military as a career, re-enlisting until he was due for retirement. Well, that was, until he was injured. She hated that he was gone for long periods and expected him to finish his last tour and come home. That was when he decided that things wouldn’t work between them.
“Emberlynn, I’d really like to make this thing that we’re doing official.”
“This thing…” I giggled. “Dinner?”
“Yes. And everything else, too. It’s only been a week, but I can honestly say that I know I’m falling for you.”
I was supposed to say something clever. Something that would make me not sit there like some giddy woman unable to utilize words to describe what she was thinking or feeling. No, instead, I just smiled at him as if I’d just won the lottery for a gazillion dollars.
“Say something, Queen.”
“How official?”
“I don’t want either of us to question what’s happening here. I want to grow with you into something so good that we’ll never want to let it go. You’ll be my woman, and I’ll be your man.”
“I don’t know if I want that,” I responded honestly.
“Why not?” His mouth dropped open, and I giggled, unable to keep it inside.
“I don’t want to be downgraded to being your woman when I’d rather keep being your queen.”
Hardison groaned. “Baby, say no more. Cause I’d love nothing more than that.”
“So I can call you my king?” I leaned forward, resting my chin on my hands.
“Fuck yes.” His eyes lit up in wonderment as he confirmed our new arrangement.
“Well, then it’s done.” I winked.
“Yes, it is.” He sipped water from his glass before asking, “have you figured out what you want for Christmas yet?” He waggled his eyebrows.
“Actually, I have. You’ve actually given it to me already. I’ve just wanted you. Nothing fancy, just a real chance with you. Dating and enjoying each other the way we have. I don’t need anything else. This time with you has been more than enough.”
“It’s not over, Queen. We still have more of it. Nice try, too. Sweet even. But you can’t ask for something you’ve already got. I’ll need a different gift request.”
“That’s my final answer, though. You’re asking me what I want, how about you? What would you like for Christmas?”
The waiter returned with the receipt for him to sign for our food. When that was finished, we left. Instead of going to the car, we walked to enjoy the fresh air.
“You’re not off the hook.” I bumped him playfully as I held onto his arm.
“I want a nice simple Christmas dinner. It’s been a while since I’ve had that. Doesn’t have to be a huge spread. Hell, I’d be happy with a lunch meat sandwich with cheese.”
“Easy enough. What’s your favorite dinner? Something besides steak.” I nudged.
“Lasagna. My grandmother used to make an amazing one that we’d fight over. After she passed, that tradition died, too. My mother can’t cook, and that left nobody to keep her traditions going when it came to the food realm.”
“Garlic bread?”
“Mhm… Salad, garlic bread, blueberry pie, and a wheelchair to roll me into bed after I’m stuffed so much that I can’t move.”
I giggled at him as he pushed out his stomach and pretended he couldn’t walk.
“Very funny, Hardison.”
“Mhm. It was.”