Page 32 of Kairo's Billionaire
Screwed. Screwed. I’m so screwed.
“You’re not screwed,” Will grumbled. “Why don’t you take this time to get to know Izzie better without worrying about someone trying to extort or kill you both? You’ve got the entire team to watch your backs. Find out if this really is love. If it is, then worry about the next step.”
Kairo’s head snapped up and he could breathe again. “You think maybe it was just the danger that was bringing us together? Without the danger, there’s nothing there between us?” His gaze darted between Charlie and Will to find both of them looking very skeptical, but they didn’t argue.
Sure, maybe now that they weren’t in danger, he wouldn’t find Isidore to be completely sweet, protective, self-sacrificing, and adorably insecure. Not to mention brain-meltingly sexy.
Yeah, and maybe Greek pigs grew wings.
“What the fuck are you thinking?”Athena screeched in a harsh whisper the second Kairo disappeared down the stairs.
Isidore waved both of his hands at his younger sister to lower her voice as he hurried past her to silently shut the door. That wasnotsomething he wanted Kairo to overhear. The poor man would get the wrong idea. At least, he very much hoped that it was the wrong idea.
Isidore dragged in a deep breath to try to settle his racing heart and the bounty of butterflies in his stomach. After clearing his throat, he turned to face Athena, who had her fists resting on her hips and her best glare on her face. It was her patented “I might be your younger sister but I’m going to act like an older sister” glare.
“What are you talking about?” Isidore inquired, inwardly wincing when his voice came out a full octave higher than normal. That was just fantastic. So innocent.
“You were kissing him,” Athena hissed.
“So what? You knew I was gay. Kissing boys is part of that. You said you didn’t have a problem with it.”
“Isidore Aegis Panopoulos! You know that’s not the issue.” She marched over and smacked him on the shoulder. “May the old gods rise from the dead and strike you down for even uttering those words. I’m talking about you kissing Kairo. What were you thinking?”
“I was thinking that he’s hot and sexy and funny and sweet. I was also thinking that it was quite cruel of my sister to barge in when she did, because I wasn’t at all finished kissing him.”
Athena curled her fingers into fists and shook them at Isidore as if she wanted to really shake him. “Isidore!”
“What?” Isidore crossed to the bed and gingerly sat down on the edge. This time the springs didn’t let out as loud of a squeal. Apparently as long as they didn’t toss and turn in their sleep, the bed wouldn’t be that loud.
Naturally, his wicked brain immediately imagined having sex on the noisy bed with Kairo. Not only would the entire house know what was happening, but there was a good chance that all of Itea would be aware of it too. He could live without that happening.
But the idea of sex with Kairo was still enticing. Maybe he could lure him somewhere quiet. Or he could just corner him in the bathroom and drop to his knees—
“Isidore! Are you even listening to me?” Athena shouted, snatching back his attention.
He blinked at his sister and smiled. “Sorry. My mind drifted. What were you saying?” he asked, not feeling the least bit embarrassed.
“I want to know what you’re thinking. You don’t do the sleeping around thing. If you’re kissing him, it means that you’ve already got feelings for him and you want to date him. But it’s only been four days, and he’s a mercenary.”
“Who cares how long it’s been?”
Athena groaned and stomped over to the bed. She flopped down only to bounce right to her feet as the bed screeched under her. She stared wide-eyed at it as if she were afraid the mattress was going to try to eat her. Only when she was sure it wasn’t going to attack did she carefully sit next to Isidore.
“Well, that’s a cure for acrobatic sex,” she muttered and then turned her attention to her brother. “The last time you even attempted to date was Nico, and you spent six months getting to know him as just friends. You dated for less than a month.”
Isidore shrugged. “We were a bad fit.”
“And you’re a better fit with Kairo?” Athena gasped. “He’s a mercenary. You know I love you, and I say this with all the love in the world, but you’re a trust-fund baby and a figurehead chairman. You spend your time learning about vineyards and grapevines or sitting in boring meetings. You go to charity galas and fake adventures. He’s doing real adventures. Shooting guns, hacking computers, and saving lives.”
“Do you not like him?”
Athena rested her elbows on her knees and dropped her face into her hands. “You’re not listening to me at all.”
“You didn’t answer my question,” he persisted stubbornly.