Page 48 of Kairo's Billionaire
Isidore smirked. “Yes, but it feels a little late in life for me to go to medical school.”
“Even if Will wasn’t a doctor, no one would think of him as a burden,” West continued. “He loves Charlie. He’s there for Charlie when plans go right and when shit hits the fan. He’s a friend who is willing to help. That’s all Charlie needs or expects.”
Isidore’s smirk was tugged into a frown as he watched the olive trees. That sounded nice, but he wasn’t convinced. The fact was, Will was a doctor and he could patch them up when they got hurt. What did he have? He was rich. He could pay for all their expenses, which was a help, but it didn’t feel likehimbeing useful. Writing a check didn’t feel like it meant anything. Not like using a gun or jumping into a fight.
“If you want to learn guns for you because you’re curious about them or you want to do this for you, I’m happy to teach you, but please don’t do this because you think this is what Kairo wants,” Alexei pleaded. “Take it from me, I spent way too much of my early years pretending to be someone I’m not to get people to love me. It’s not worth it.Theyare not worth it.”
“You did? But…but you’re so confident and funny. How could anyone not like you?”
Alexei tilted his head to stare at West around Isidore. “I don’t care what Kairo or Soren says, I’m adopting him. He’s my child now, and no one can take him away.”
“I’m pretty sure Isidore is older than you by quite a few years,” West drawled.
“Don’t care.” Alexei turned his attention back to Isidore and patted his hand. “You’re mine now. You can just call me Papa from now on.”
“I’m so confused,” Isidore whispered.
Alexei squeezed his wrist and smiled, but it looked brittle. He waved his free hand at his beautiful face. “My childhood was largely spent in Russia, where this wasn’t permitted. My grandfather wanted my uncle dead because he was gay. I knew I was different from an early age. I liked bright, pretty colors and makeup. My voice was always high and too soft. I was willowy and didn’t walk like the other boys unless I fucking concentrated. I tried for years to be someone other than me to make my grandfather love me, but he was never worthy of that love. But my mother loved me just as I am. My uncles love me too. And so does Soren. He doesn’t blink an eye at the makeup, loud colors, or the guns.”
“You and Kairo have known each other for a freaking minute,” West interjected. “You’ve barely given him the chance to get to know you. Don’t you think you owe it to both of you to let him learn who you arebeforeyou go changing things?”
Isidore’s shoulders drooped and he slumped lower in his chair. They were right. He knew they were right. But it didn’t make it any easier to hear.
“I don’t want him to realize that I don’t fit in his world,” Isidore said softly past the rough patch spreading across his throat.
West snorted and poked Isidore in the shoulder. “Don’t you think Kairo is going to have the same feeling very soon if he doesn’t already, Mr. Billionaire? Kairo has never been a billionaire. Didn’t grow up one. Probably never gonna be one. There’s no way I could be with someone that rich. I’d constantly be afraid of embarrassing him.”
“But there’s nothing embarrassing about you or him!” Isidore sat up straight again. “He’s perfect. He’s got this brilliant mind that’s so sneaky and crafty that I’m in awe of him. He’s also so sweet, patient, caring, considerate, and funny. And sexy! So sexy—”
“Ah! Ah!” Alexei frantically waved both of his hands in front of him. “You’re my son now. I don’t think I can handle you talking about the sexy stuff.”
“Fuck me, you’re ridiculous,” West groaned loudly.
“Anyway,” Alexei started again with a weird look at West. “Don’t change for him. If you don’t like guns in the first place, don’t force yourself to use one. You’re just making yourself miserable, and Kairo will feel horrible when he finds out.”
Isidore nodded. He didn’t want to make Kairo feel bad. “It’s not that I don’t like guns. I certainly don’t mind you using them. I’m just more afraid of hurting someone with a gun that I don’t want to hurt. Even after all your safety training, accidents happen.”
“Then don’t pick up a gun until you’re ready,” Alexei said.
“Besides, we can always teach you some self-defense and more hand-to-hand combat. That way you’re safe and you can better watch Kairo’s back,” West added.
“Excuse me? What the fuck are you talking about?”
They all twisted around at the angry explosion to see Kairo standing in the open doorway as if the conversation had stopped him cold in the middle of leaving the house. Isidore winced. He did not look happy at all.
Alexei patted him on the shoulder again. “Don’t worry, son. You’ve got this.”
“Thanks, Papa.”
What.The. Fuck.
He’d only caught part of that conversation, but he didn’t care for any of it.
That last bit of Isidore calling Alexei “Papa” was just wrong and confusing.