Page 9 of Trailer Park Daddies
“That fucker’s on your mind. He’s playing games with you. You’re so lost and confused that you have no idea what you’re doing.”
I shook my head again.
“I didn’t mean to mix you guys up,” I began slowly. “It’s just that …”
“It’s just what?” he asked, eyes blazing. “It’s just that you let Brent take your cherry when I was the one that wanted it?”
I gasped then, my entire body shivery, sensitive to his nearness. And my eyes flew to how Jason’s jeans tented at the crotch, the bulge growing as I stared, so huge, hot and hungry that it brushed the bottom of the steering wheel.
“That’s right,” Jason gestured to himself, indicating his massive boner. “I was the one that wanted you Katy.Iwanted that sweet body first, and now you’ve gone and lost it … lost it … to that fucker!” he raged.
“Please Jason,” I begged, my eyes warm and pleading. Oh god, he wanted me? This huge alpha male wanted me, in addition to the one I already had at home? This made no sense, how could I handle two?
But first things first. I needed to take control of this situation so I took a deep breath, forcing myself to grow still, willing my heart to stop pumping a million miles an hour, summoning my inner strength. How did Jason even know that I’d let Brent pop my pussy cherry? Did he come home early? Or god forbid, did Brenttellhim?
Fortunately, no such thing had happened because that was too fucked up. Instead, Jason answered my unspoken question.
“I heard you,” he grunted, eyes still fiery, his big form filling up the small cab, making me feel tiny and small. “I came home in the early afternoon and heard the two of you going at it in the shower stall. It was a fucking orchestra, you were screaming as he touched you,” he shot at me accusingly. “You let him take you everywhere. You let him run that big dick inside your pussy, you fucking slut!”
I took a deep breath, fighting to stay calm.
“I’m no slut,” I said, my voice tight. “Brent and I went with what felt right, and you know what? It’s not your business anyways.”
“Not my business?” he roared, eyes wild with rage. “It is my business! What the fuck else could it be? Ilivewith you in the trailer so how the fuck is this going to work, me hearing the two of you go at it day in and day out? Or are you going to stop now? Right Katy, tell me you’re going to stop,” he taunted, his eyes boring into mine.
I took a deep breath, summoning my deepest reserves of control because Brent and I weren’t going to stop. The train had already left the station and was already barreling a hundred miles an hour down the tracks. No matter what steep curves came our way, what mountains we had to climb, there was no way we were going to stop tasting each other, stop loving one another. So I tried again.
“You came home after school and heard us,” I repeated, keeping my voice calm and even.
Jason nodded furiously.
“I got away from Ms. Smith. Don’t worry, I can handle my women,” he sneered. “I got home and what did I hear but a symphony playing in the bathroom, so many “Oh Brents!” and “Touch me here, touch me theres!” Please Katy,” he snarled again. “I heard it all because it’s burned into my fucking eardrums. I had to stay in the woods for a while to get the ringing out of my head.”
I exhaled deeply. So that’s how it had gone down. Jason had returned early and heard us, stumbled in on our love session, and immediately beat feet, stunned with shock. But something was off. Surely he didn’t think that we’d be going at it for five hours? A five hour session would be really long, so why didn’t he come back earlier? Why stay out in the cold, freezing woods for five hours?
It was as if Jason could read my mind and his blue eyes filled with pain.
“Because you loved it Katy,” he said then, his voice a hoarse rasp. “You were with Brent and you loved it. I could hear it in your cries, I could hear it in your pants, your everything, and I couldn’t take it because … I wanted to be your first,” he said brokenly.
The admission blew all resistance out of me, the fight draining from my body. I took a deep breath before exhaling, heart pounding in my throat. Because here we were, back to square one, my “brother’s” stark admission that he wanted me, that he’d lusted after my curves, that knowing I’d been with our guardian had driven him over the edge, made him so desperate, so angry, that he’d only come back once he was sure he wouldn’t pound down the trailer walls.
To be honest, it was good that Jason took his time because Brent and I hadn’t finished in the shower. The older man had carried me into his bedroom, sopping wet, and we’d explored a bit more. I’d sat on his face with him lapping at my folds until I came again, my creaminess gushing all over his chin and streaming down his cheeks to coat the coverlet. There was no penetration that second time even though I’d begged him to put it in, positively pushed my pussy against his pole, trying to catch his dick tip in me. But Brent had chuckled deeply, slapping me on the ass, giving me a last lick on my snatch and telling me that I’d be “too sore” despite my protests.
The memory made me cheeks flush once more, body growing hot, soft with need once again. But there was still this problem with Jason, this messed-up situation on our hands. So I shot him a quick look, my gaze gentle.
“So what’s next?” I asked softly, my voice conciliatory. “What do we do now?”
Jason let out a masculine harrumph, a deep-throated moan of disgust.
“Either I move out, or I cut off my dick …” he began.
“No!” I cried, a small palm flying to his strong forearm, a fluttery touch against his hardness. “No, don’t go, that’s not necessary.”
We both looked at my hand, how it was so tiny, so white against his thickly muscled forearm.
“What do you want me to do then?” Jason ground out, eyes burning into mine, body tense. “There’s nothing else I can do,” he said, shaking his head furiously, voice thick, eyes dropping to look down, away, refusing to meet mine.
I felt hope well in me then, a great cresting of need, a desire to be together.