Page 2 of Her Wolf's Demands
Emotions threatened to burst from me, pulling on my heart-strings. However, I shut them down, too numb from a week of being isolated from both Malone and my brother.
A thump on the door made me jump. Malone thrust in just as I emerged from the shower, my soaking hair sticking to my back. “What are you doing?”
“You weren’t answering me, I thought…” His dark chocolate eyes raked over my figure, his throat bobbing as he swallowed.
Reaching for a towel, I slowly wrapped it around myself, refusing to let his intensity intimidate me. I had no idea where he thought I could escape to, although it had been tempting to try and run several times. “The bathroom will be free momentarily.”
Malone ducked his head, his hooded gaze lifting to caress my face. He hadn’t looked at me with desire once since we’d mated. But now… the flick of his tongue on his lips sent a dart of lust tingling between my legs. Shit, it was still there, that strong pull to wrap my legs around him and never let him leave.
Reversing out of the bathroom as our breath grew heavier, Malone gently closed the door behind him.
A sigh wrenched from me as tears popped into my eyes, one escaping before I could swallow them down. No, I had to stay hard, just like him. I couldn’t let myself crumble, not yet, anyway.
Drying myself, I conjured a fresh pair of jeans and a grey and brown tank top. The weather had become humid during the day, almost too hot to bear. I was caring less and less about my appearance and more about survival.
As soon as my clothes were on, I ran both hands over my hair, smiling at my reflection when it dried and styled into soft waves. I would miss my intensified magic.
Emerging from the bathroom, I went into the living area. Malone was already showered and dressed in clean navy jeans and a white Tee.
“They won’t let me live.” My statement was an understatement. Yes, it was that serious.
He paced the length of the living space in his cabin, his agitated jerks increasing my own anxiety.
“Let me take the lead.” Malone came closer, taking my hand in his. “I know my people. I can fix this.”
My shudder made him raise his eyebrows. He had hardly touched me since we’d mated, which had left me a confused mess. Wasn’t I supposed to be irresistible to him?
“You’ve said maybe two words to me,” I said, lifting my gaze to look into his eyes.
The heat of the cabin intensified, sending my heart into a flutter when he licked his lips again. He was bloody gorgeous despite his crappy mood.
Something crossed his eyes before he ducked his head, staring at the wooden floor. “I’m sorry. I’ve been trying to come up with the best solution for everyone. Even though you somehow have alpha DNA…” Was that a slight scowl I detected? “…the pack won’t accept you the same way they do me.”
His shoulders went rigid as he spoke.
Ah yeah. I’d ordered the wolves to leave when we’d been fighting the witches and they’d been compelled to do it, against their will. Which meant that if I wanted to challenge Malone as alpha, I had every right.
Shit, was he seriously threatened by me because of that? Didn’t the idiot know that I couldn’t lead a horse by the reins, let alone a fucking wolf pack?
“Will you tell me your plan before we face the others?”
Stepping away, he released me, leaving a puff of cold air behind. That would be a no then.
I wrapped my arms around myself as I went to the window and glanced out at the wolves. They had started to gather around the lit camp fire and would come for us when they were ready.
Only last night, I had made the mistake of telling Malone to stand up to them. They had been dictating what we could do for the past week, forbidding us to come into the camp once I’d placed an extra strong protection spell around their home. Begrudgingly, I might add.
“It’s all so messed up,” I muttered, glancing over my shoulder when he snorted an affirmative.
The cabin had the same layout as Emiliah and Lionel’s, except it was larger. A long dining table, the legs carved intricately with leaves, roses, and wolves’ faces, separated the living area from the kitchen.
A brick fireplace was to the left of the living area, the logs in the grate engulfed in flames, flicking high and casting a glow over the sofa and armchairs surrounding it. The low coffee table was made from dark wood, lacquered and smoothed to perfection. Malone had an incredible talent, using his hands to create beautiful furniture.
Memories of the night he’d used his hands on me shot unbidden into my mind. A shudder shook my muscles before I could shove the image away. Thinking about that moment only made me hot and bothered.
“They’re coming,” I announced when Manual and Joe strode towards the cabin.
Moving to stand beside me, Malone bent to briefly rest his head against mine. The touch was so quick, I wasn’t sure it had even happened as he pulled back and looked down at me. “Please, don’t say anything.”