Page 28 of Her Wolf's Demands
Standing straight, Malone tilted his head to the side and watched as I bent to retrieve my clothes. Once I’d pulled my top back on, I leant my forehead against the window, staring at the alpha who hadn’t moved.
“We have so much to learn about one another,” he said, his voice tight. “I think there’s a surprise or two in store for us.”
“Yeah.” Picking up the phone, I held it in front of my mouth. “Those kinky skeletons are sure to emerge, I hope you’re ready.”
Licking his lips, he narrowed his gaze on me, intense and heavy. “Oh, yeah.” He growled. “I’m ready.”
Chapter Eight
The floorboard creaked, jolting me up from the bed. I’d been unable to sleep, too het up and sexually frustrated. And yet, the anticipation had been arousing and hard to disobey.
Another creak, just outside the bedroom door. My heartbeat was loud in my ears. Maybe Malone had snuck in to alleviate me of the mounting sexual pressure.
Sniffing on instinct as I stepped out of the bed, I froze when the scent of roses slipped up my nose. That wasn’t Malone’s smell, nor was it his frame as it slunk through the door and into my room.
“Stop!” I ordered, catching the flash of red hair from the moonlight that came in through the hallway.
The room was pitch black, any light blocked by the thick heavy drapes.
Flicking my hand, I switched the lamp on, moving back when the room lit up and Rochelle was revealed. Her lips were pulled up in a silent snarl, her eyes wide and staring.
“What do you want?” I snapped.
A grunt left her lips as she lunged forward, turning into a wolf in mid-air. A yelp left my lips as I jumped up on the bed, my stomach plummeting when her claws swiped near my calf as she landed next to me.
“Piss off!” I cried, kicking out. “Or I’ll have to hurt you.”
A weird sound – probably a wolf laugh – came from the red wolf as she dodged my leg, hitting it with her own paw and unbalancing me. Pain sliced my skin as her sharp claws dug deep, drawing blood.
My heartbeat tripled, giving me strength as I clambered off the bed and spun, just as she launched herself at me.
Holding up my arms, I imagined every one of the bones in her legs cracking. Her surprised howl was followed by a grunt as she thumped to the floor, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. The pain must have been too unbearable for the bitch.
Kneeling beside the beast, I checked that she’d passed out. Yep, her eyes were closed, her breathing laboured. The grotesque curvature of her legs almost made me feel a little sorry for her. Almost. Not quite. Nah, who was I kidding? She deserved to feel pain.
My phone rang at the same time as someone knocked on the front door to the cabin. That was the problem with wolves having super-sonic hearing, you couldn’t get away with anything.
“It’s okay,” I told Malone when I picked up the phone. “I stubbed my toe on your amazingly crafted, but heavy as shit, bed post. Think I broke a toe.” Making my way through the cabin, I cringed as I scented my guard at the door. Manual.
The wolf howl had been reverberating, reaching their ears instantly. Would Malone and his best friend buy my pathetic excuse?
“You need me?” Malone’s voice was groggy despite his quick response.
Shaking my head as I opened the door and gestured at my phone, I shrugged at Manual.
“I’m fine, Malone, like I said, I stubbed my toe. Manual’s on my doorstep, looking a little bored.”
“Don’t worry, alpha,” Manual called, winking at me, “I’ll kiss it better so it’s all healed for the ritual tomorrow.”
A growl came down the phone, followed by a huff as I put him on loudspeaker. “She’ll heal perfectly fine in an hour. Now, go and get some sleep, people. This wolf needs his slumber.”
The phone cut off, beeping as I waved goodbye to Manual and shut the door.
Careful to keep my footsteps slow, I hurried back to the bedroom. Rochelle would be waking up soon, no doubt healed and ready to kill me twice-fold.
Sneaking into the room, I released my held breath. The she-wolf was still unconscious, a big furry lump on the wooden floor. Her bones were already shifting back into place. And there I was, dying to see the agony etched on her face when she awoke.
Instead of being miffed about it, I pointed at her, invoking a levitation spell. Her wolf form floated up and landed on the bed. The rope ties that held the drapes of the four poster bed loosened and wound themselves around all four of her paws, binding them together. There. The witch had caught the wolf.