Page 30 of Her Wolf's Demands
The inclination of her head was accompanied by a scowl. “Of course, it was wrong what Tom had done. However, none of our pack had the guts to stand up to him. When Tom got word that the other packs were coming, he sent a team of ten wolves out to defend us, knowing full well they would be torn apart.”
“And your father was one of them?”
My insides quivered as she bit her lip and blinked rapidly, trying to rid her tears. It didn’t work. Instead, one slipped down her smooth cheek, dropping onto her collarbone. “When the enemy wolves came into the camp, they held my father’s shifted head aloft, declaring their victory.”
My hand went to my chest as my stomach rolled. “Surely that’s not legal. Talk about medieval archaic.”
A frown crossed her forehead. “Yeah, I suppose it is. Our way of life is different from yours, although Malone would never be a tyrant like his father. The other packs… as much as I hate to say it, they didn’t have a choice. They had to stop Tom.”
“I guess there’s still a ton of ill-feeling in the land of wolves, even though Tom’s dead?”
Shaking her head, Rochelle pulled her perfectly plucked eyebrows low. “I can’t believe I just told you my life story.”
I shrugged, a smile tugging at my lips. “You technically didn’t. I mean, I don’t know your favourite music or ice cream flavour.”
Despite herself, she giggled, the sound strange coming from her. She was a hard-nosed cow, and yet, I suddenly understood why. It wasn’t just because she had feelings for Malone, – deep breaths, control the green-eyed jelly monster – it was because she knew a witch-hybrid would attract the attention of the other packs. It was against all wolf law, not just the Brighton Pack’s way of life.
“You’re afraid that a hybrid-witch ruling alongside Malone will bring bloodshed to the rest of the pack?”
Struggling against her binds again, she grunted and huffed, flicking her head. Her ire returned, palpable in the room. “That’s exactly what it will happen. I’m not afraid of it, I know it.”
Her gritted teeth tightened her jaw as her gaze darted around the room, searching for an escape route no doubt.
“What if I promise to do everything in my power – which, as you can see, is vast – to help build your pack back up? Once that’s done…” I paused, my heart heavy as I licked my lips and ducked my gaze. “… I’m going to try and find a witch who can bind my wolf spirit and release me from being a hybrid.”
Her gasp made me glance up. She sat straight, her spine rigid and her mouth agape. “Do you really think it will be that easy? Do you not feel that pull towards Malone? It should be killing you inside to even think that, let alone say it out loud.”
A sob erupted from nowhere as I pictured my alpha’s face. It did. The sadness that clung to every inch of my being at the thought of leaving behind my mate exploded out of me, bringing the grief that had been bubbling beneath the surface.
One minute, I was elated, high from the connection I shared when I was with him. Then, when alone, my world crashed down around me.
Malone had promised that we’d get through it and that the pack would accept me. I knew it wasn’t true. Rochelle had even tried to attack me before the ritual could go ahead. It wasn’t a surprise, considering. However, most of the pack probably felt the same way.
“I know you hate me.” I hiccupped, wiping the tears that gathered in the corner of my eyes. “I’m sorry I took away something that you felt was yours and brought fear into the pack. But, there’s one thing you’re forgetting.”
Her eyebrows were furrowed, a sympathetic look creasing the corner of her eyes. “What?”
“I didn’t have a choice, either. Nor did Malone. As hard as it is to swallow, fate brought us together. I just happened to step in front of my brother when Malone was trying to exact revenge for Lionel. It’s what your species does. And that day, we were in the wrong place, at the wrong time.”
“You weren’t.” Rochelle’s shoulders slumped, her hair falling forward as she glanced down at the bedcover. “You’re right, it was fate. It had to happen to bring you together. I… I’m sorry.”
“For what?” I laughed, sniffing as I tried to regain composure.
“For being a complete and utter bitch.”
My chuckle was muffled by my hand as I unceremoniously wiped my nose on my sleeve. “I get it. I appreciate you telling me about your father. I can’t even imagine what that would’ve been like.”
Her eyes softened when our gaze met. The energy between us had completely shifted, a warmth spreading into the room.
“I promise I’m not hankering after Malone,” she said, sitting prettily, unlike me, who slouched. “Now that he’s mated, a switch has gone off, washing away anything that lingered. Hopefully I’ll meet my match soon.”
“I hope so,” I replied, swirling my hands to release the ties around her wrists and ankles. “Because you’re too gorgeous to be hanging around my alpha.”
A smirk crossed her lips. “You’re not so bad yourself, and once the ceremony is performed, you won’t have to worry about those feelings. You’ll be so bonded, you’ll just have to overcome outside obstacles.”
“Like a whole witch coven wanting me dead? Oh, and a wolf war with the Crawley Pack.”
“Exactly.” She climbed off the bed and came over to me. “Strawberry and cream ice cream while listening to rock music, mainly.”