Page 36 of Her Wolf's Demands
Dark red was spreading across his white fur, leaking from the gaping wounds in his side. His eyes were open, the chocolate brown almost black in the dim light. No, his eyes couldn’t turn all black, that happened when animals died.
Gulping, I reached towards his wounds, hesitating when he growled at me in warning. What was wrong with him? Yes, it would be painful for a moment, and then he’d be healed.
“You can’t heal him,” Manual said, bending down beside me to inspect his alpha’s wounds.
I cleared my throat and reached for Malone again. Manual’s fingers closed around mine, gripping tightly and preventing me from healing the wounds. I glanced at him, regretting it instantly when my gaze was offended by his tanned naked skin. Looking away, I shook my head, my insides simmering.
“He’s the alpha. He cannot be seen as weak. He will heal himself, don’t worry.”
A rush of heated fury blasted through my veins. I wrenched my hand from Manual and bent closer to Malone’s head, looking into his pained eyes. Surely he’d want me to save him? What if his injuries were fatal? A wolf could heal, yes, but there was a limit to what the body could take. If I just left him, there was a chance he wouldn’t survive. And I would never let that happen. I’d just found him, I wouldn’t let him go.
“Please,” I begged Malone, placing my hand on his head.
His huff was accompanied by a low growl. No. Shit, the bastard was going to risk his life, even though I could save it. All to show that he was a man. Ugh. Fucking men.
“Fine!” I spat. “See if I care.”
Thrusting up, I stormed away from my mate, my heart tearing as I left him behind. As hard as it was not being beside him, I couldn’t just sit and wait to see if he would die. His wounds were deep, the muscle and skin shredded. If his organs were damaged… no, I couldn’t think of that. He would be fine, even without my help, the stubborn bastard.
Ignoring Rochelle as she shifted, I went to Ertha’s office and tried to yank open the door. Of course, it was locked shut.
Fury throbbed through me as I fought the tears that threatened, almost closing my throat. Fuck Malone and his pride, and fuck Ertha. I was getting into the office, one way or another.
“Can’t spell it open,” I pushed through my teeth, resisting the urge to check over my shoulder. “I’ll blast the bloody thing down.”
Spreading my fingers on the dark wooden door, I opened my mouth and forced my magic from me. “FUCKING OPEN SESAME, BITCH!”
Hurricane force winds blew from behind, sending my hair flying around my head as my hands shunted the door. It blasted off its hinges, soaring into Ertha’s office, and leaving the way free as the winds dropped.
A small meow echoed from the far corner of the room. My insides quivered as I rushed over to Bohdi, who was pacing in a small metal cage. Well, at least the elder had given him food and water. No doubt just to keep him alive to torture me.
“Hey, boy,” I greeted, undoing the cage and taking him out.
My eyes filled with tears when the little fellow nudged his head beneath my chin, ducking me gently before settling, almost glued to my chest. “I’m so sorry,” I whispered, sucking back a sob.
“You’re so sexy when you’re angry.” Malone’s voice made me shudder. “You say the funniest things.”
Glancing over my shoulder, I hiccupped as my gaze traced over his naked body. I inhaled sharply, unable to resist the urge to trace his muscles down his stomach and lower…
Swallowing, I blinked, sniffing when the tears plopped from my eyes.
His chest rose and fell as he held his hand loosely on his injured side. “Thank you.”
“For what?” I snapped, digging my face into Bohdi’s neck. “You wouldn’t let me heal you.”
“For respecting my wish. I doubt I’d have that amount of self-control if it was you lying there injured.”
Scoffing, I wiped my eyes and went to Ertha’s desk, searching it. I wasn’t looking for anything specific, just using it as an excuse to distract myself from my mate’s incredible body. If I looked at him, I’d melt and beg him to take me, right on the desk. Not appropriate, although it would be a little bit satisfying, knowing I had desecrated Ertha’s space that way.
“I know you’re angry–”
“No, I’m not. If you want to die because of your pride, go right ahead.”
Stalking closer, Malone let go of his side and straightened. The red puckered welts on his skin were fast healing, releasing him of his discomfort.
“We need to leave,” I said when he came around the desk.
Bohdi purred, leaning his head towards Malone. Really? How could my familiar betray me? The age old myth of dogs and cats being at war was being tested by my own feline.