Page 45 of Her Wolf's Demands
“This isn’t usual,” Malone said, clearly reading my thoughts. “Manual…”
“He has a taste for women, however they come,” Laura interrupted. “The rules don’t apply to you, do they?” She winked at the Casanova. “I call him a wolf-aniser.”
Her tinkling laughter warmed my chest. Okay, so it wasn’t really that funny, but they were cute together. And for once, I didn’t feel weird being the only witch attracted to a wolf.
My gaze roamed to the alpha as he sat back and shrugged, getting comfortable as the others joked between themselves. They were easy together, sparking off of one another, instead of being full of angst.
Laura knew that she wasn’t the only woman in Manual’s life, and yet, she didn’t seem to mind too much. Unless she was hiding her true feelings from him.
Malone watched them before looking at me, a nostalgic expression crossing his face. Did he miss being free to be intimate with other women? Or was it the easy way they interacted, laughing without a care in the world?
My stomach knotted as I swallowed, not sure if we’d ever get to that place. Emiliah had insisted that as soon as the bonding ceremony had been completed, all my doubts and insecurities would ebb away. I almost wished I’d agreed to go ahead with the damn thing now.
“Right!” Laura blurted, jumping up from where she’d been perched on Manual’s knee. “I’m being rude. What can I get you to drink? Wait…” Holding her fingers to her temple, she closed her eyes briefly, clapped her hands and smiled. “… No need to tell me.”
Three steaming mugs appeared on the small table in front of the couch. The smell of coffee slipped up my nose, soothing me like a balm. No matter how dire a situation was or how stressed my brain got, coffee fixed it.
Almost grabbing up the mug, I thanked her. A witch who served coffee without being asked? I was comfortable already.
I was about to pull out the painting when I hesitated. Could I trust the witch? She might be friends with the Brighton Pack, but I didn’t know her other associates. Maybe she was friends with Ertha, too?
“I don’t mean to pry,” I said to Laura, sitting in the armchair next to the couch.
Frowning, Malone tightened his jaw, clenching it tight. I didn’t blame him, I had just snubbed him in the most obvious way.
My own chest heated as he sat forward, tapping the wooden table with his finger.
I wasn’t quite sure what he was trying to communicate to me, but I understood why he was pissed. If the situation had been reversed, I would’ve screamed like a banshee, decrying the fact that he wasn’t showing solidity by being beside me.
Almost tripping to my feet, I trotted around the table. I had to pass Laura, who stood nearby, and squeeze past Manual without knocking his knees. Ugh. Awkward.
“Your coven…” Sitting down, I almost fell into Malone, whose arm came around me, catching me against him. “… are you… from around here?”
My stuttering question might have been framed innocently but everyone knew what I was asking. I should’ve just been more direct. Directness had never been my strong point, I’d been too afraid to upset anyone. However, I was no longer the cowering child who was shy and only wanted to play with my brother. I had to make friends in order to defeat my enemies.
“Oh, bollocks,” I swore, shaking my head. “We need your help, but I need to know whether I can trust you. Now, I can pussyfoot around the issue at hand – namely if you’re in league with my ex-bitch elder, Ertha – or, I can just ask you outright.”
“Which will it be?” Laura’s lips twitched, her cheeks turning slightly pink.
“Erm… the latter. Are you in anyway associated with Ertha and the Brighton Coven?”
That tinkling laughter stroked my skin, washing my nerves and worries away. Throwing her hair over her shoulder, Laura tossed her head, shaking it vigorously. “No, I’m not. I’m a free spirit. I’m originally from the South West. However, I got bored of hiding who I was. Especially when I couldn’t help but predict everything that happened in the village long before it did. People soon grew suspicious, and you know, I couldn’t face a witch trial. I hate water. The dunking would have ruined my hair.”
Manual’s eyebrows creased up and the corner of his eyes wrinkled as he stared at my new best friend. Well, second new best friend. Wow, I had more friends than ever before. And it wasn’t even the end of the day.
“They don’t do that to witches anymore, do they? I thought it had been outlawed way back when,” Manual added with a grin.
“Anyway,” Laura said, tapping him on the nose. “No, I’m not in league with Ertha. She has requested I visit the coven many times, but I’ve refused. You can trust me, I swear.”
Inclining my head, I glanced at Malone, who nodded his agreement. He’d clearly been friends with the witch a while and she was probably the one he was going to ask to bind my wolf. The thought of it scared me suddenly, gripping my chest and forcing me to cough.
What had happened to my plan to bind the wolf once Drake was safe from Ertha’s wrath? Had it gone out of the window? I kinda didn’t know anymore. Being a wolf was amazing. And yet, my mind kept returning to Drake. I would never leave him behind. But Malone saying he would protect him… sure put a new spin on things.
Taking a deep breath, I dug the painting out of my bag and placed it on the coffee table. Laura’s eyes instantly traced the brush strokes and a smile came to her face.
“Ah, Drake’s Mason’s painting.”
“You know Drake?”