Page 11 of The Wolf's Captive
“I…” Frowning, I stepped away. “And have you ever done it between people? Wolves, maybe?”
I knew that no other witch had a werewolf familiar, so it would’ve been impossible for him to perform that type of spell. However, if he’s managed to disconnect wolf mates – which, quite frankly was disturbing as hell to me – then maybe we had a chance.
“Yes.” Glancing at his friend, he nodded. “I have managed to break bonds between wolves who no longer wanted to be connected. Now,” he said, shaking his finger, “it’s not what you think. Those wolves were usually terminally ill and wanted their mates to live a life without the gaping hole of their deceased loved ones.”
Choking, I covered my mouth, not quite comprehending what he had said at the same time as blinking in disbelief. I had never even considered what it would be like to have a mate who got a terminal illness. Jeez, talk about making a girl want to cry.
“I’ll give you time,” Victor muttered, handing me a card with his number on it.
Before I could reply, he spun, his coat and hair flying out behind him. I watched him go, his straight back and confident walk drawing attention from every person in the vicinity. Including me.
His aura had been softer, welcoming. He must have been caught off guard by me the night before. It wasn’t a surprise, it wasn’t every day you met a hybrid witch at a werewolf masquerade ball.
My whole being shivered with excitement. The universe must have brought Victor Roberts to me. I hadn’t even heard of the warlock who had been banished from my own coven. We had more in common than I’d ever imagined possible.
Maybe, just maybe, Victor would be my saviour.
Chapter Four
“This is completely different to me,” Zoe said, picking up my rose quartz crystal.
Glancing up at her, I resisted the urge to tackle her to the ground. She had already broken my salt circle once, I didn’t need her paw prints all over my sacred crystal.
My glare did its job communicating my annoyance. She put it back on the concrete and stepped away, her hands held up by her sides.
“This ground is consecrated,” I said, taking a dagger out of my bag. “Which means it’s full of untainted magic.”
“Is the myth about vampires being unable to walk on consecrated ground true?” Zoe’s gaze traced the gothic church behind us, her eyes narrowing on a nearby crypt.
I had admired the 18thcentury church when walking past, too busy in my own head to realise how much energy could be harnessed under its walls.
We were right in front of the heavy wooden door, on the concrete pathway that led towards the graves. The moon wasn’t full tonight, but I had to try and use the magic available to me in an attempt to break my connection to Kieran.
“As far as I’m aware, vampires can’t go in churches, but I don’t know that much about them. I’ve been too wrapped up in my own witch world.”
“And werewolf…”
I’d confided in Zoe about my hybrid status, swearing her to secrecy. I’d been desperate to tell someone about Victor’s offer and Zoe had been the perfect person. I just hoped I could trust her.
Tucking my hair behind my ear as I sat back and admired my work, I nodded. “And, now, the werewolf world. How shit changes fast.”
The pentagram on the ground was bigger than the one I’d drawn in the cave. I had put my crystals at each point of the star and my dagger was ready to go. If this failed, I would have to bargain with the warlock. Which was something I really didn’t want to do.
“Are you ready?” I asked Zoe, gesturing for her to sit beside me.
When I’d told her that I needed someone to channel magic, she’d offered straight away. I’d refused, too worried about hurting her. However, she was stubborn, like a fucking bull, insisting that she was from an ancient line of werewolves, her DNA stronger than any in France.
I knew the warning signs of too much magic travelling through a person’s body. I would end the spell if she became uncomfortable.
“I’m more than ready,” she quipped, her head dropping back to look into the sky. “Is it the right time?”
The clouds, dark and mysterious, filled the air above us, blocking out any view of the moon. It didn’t matter, I wasn’t using the moon’s power in this particular spell. It had only been a few days since the last full moon, I would have to wait weeks in order to use it again. No, today, I was drawing the magic that fizzled in the Earth below our feet, bringing it up through Zoe and into me.
“Yes.” Indicating that she should sit again, I swallowed down the fear.
A part of me knew that if I harnessed enough magic within my body, I could fill up to the brim and risk exploding… guts and all. I was risking my life in order to rid myself of the parasite who had attached himself to me. I was that desperate.
Lowering herself beside me, Zoe gripped my hands and looked into my eyes. Her pretty face, so eager, sent a bolt of guilt through me. I was using my new friend for my own gain.