Page 19 of The Wolf's Captive
My hand was over my stomach, pressing hard to stop the heave that threatened. How could someone do something so disgusting?
“And the baby’s still alive? You looked so calm when you approached us.” Malone could be counted on to be practical in any situation, except maybe when I was in danger.
“Yes, barely. I don’t know if she’ll survive… that’s why we’re rushing there.”
The car joined a queue of traffic and the driver elicited a distressed groan. My insides were like jelly, wobbly and uneasy. I had to try and help the poor mother and baby.
“There must be a faster way,” I said, gripping the door handle. “Can we shift in that alley there and just run?”
It was broad daylight, but I didn’t give a shit. I would risk my life and discovery in order to save those that needed me.
“Della.” Malone took my hand. “Can you use your magic to teleport us there?”
A lump rose in my throat as I nodded quickly. I had been so used to not using my magic, I hadn’t even given it a thought. Yes, I had sworn off it in order to minimise the connection between Kieran and myself, but this was an emergency.
“Give me your hand,” I demanded, holding out both palms to each alpha.
Louis glanced at his driver, frowning when he extended his hand to me. He was slow, dubious. I got it, he had no idea what I was about to do.
“Think of your sister,” I said, closing my eyes as our palms met.
“And brace yourself,” Malone added, just before the scene around us morphed into a pretty light blue and gold bedroom.
The stench of blood hit my nose as soon as we landed. Malone caught Louis just before he lost his footing, making sure he stayed upright.
“How is she?” I barked to the midwife, who was kneeling on the floor at the end of the bed.
A woman with brown curly hair laid on it, groaning and writhing in pain. Blood was splattered down her legs, mixed with her waters. Switching my panic off, I breathed deeply as the midwife looked up at me, frowning.
Another man was on the bed with the woman, cradling her head in his lap and whispering encouraging words to her. It must have been her mate.
“Tell her!” Louis ordered. “And move out of the way.”
Scurrying to her feet, the midwife indicated that I take her place. “She’s started to lose blood, which means the baby… I can’t hear the baby’s heartbeat.”
A sob wrenched from her as I opened the lady’s legs wider. “What’s her name?”
“It’s Sabine,” Louis replied.
Taking a deep breath, I put my hand on my new patient’s stomach and closed my eyes. “Okay, Sabine, I’m going to try and get the silver out. Please, try to relax.”
Louis’s tone changed as he translated my words into French for his sister. He was beside the bed now, helping her mate to keep her calm.
My hand moved lower on her stomach as a small pink head came into my mind’s eye. The magic moved through me, helping me to connect to the silver that was plugging Sabine’s cervix. Sick, sick bastard.
Tears popped into my eyes as I saw the rectangular shaped piece of metal. How could anyone do such a fucking disgusting thing?
I had to calm my breath as anger made my hands shake. Seeing the silver, I surrounded it with a bright light to encase it. That would stop the reaction that Sabine was having to the toxicity of the object.
She immediately gasped in relief, although another contraction gripped her, causing her to cry out in pain. I pushed away the idea that the baby wasn’t well. I had to do everything in my power to save her. Yes, I could sense that she was a little girl.
“I’m going to ease the silver out now so hold onto something tightly.”
Pushing with my mind, I placed my other hand onto Sabine’s belly and slowly encouraged the metal to lower. As soon as the tip of it became dislodged, the whole thing dropped out. I held my breath and reached in to retrieve the metal, almost throwing it at the midwife before returning my attention to the baby.
“You’re completely dilated, Sabine,” I called gently, “you need to really push with the next contraction.”
As the words left my mouth, her stomach tightened and the baby’s head appeared. Using my magic, I pressed down onto Sabine’s bulge, forcing the relaxed opening of her body so the baby could be free.