Page 25 of The Wolf's Captive
Once I was in my wolf form, Malone nudged me with his nose. We followed the pack out of the gate, bringing up the rear. Louis hadn’t explained anything about their runs through the city. We had no idea if there was a protocol they had to abide by.
Malone urged me to go faster as the pack thundered down the calm street. It was almost midnight and the moon was high in the sky. The fresh air blasted my muzzle, washing away the loneliness of the last month and a half.
The pack spread out, a few of them going off to explore on their own. Malone and I stayed with Louis until he reached the river. Turning, he lowered his head before soaring over the wall and into the water below. Huh? The wolf liked to swim?
Instead of going in with him, we separated from the pack. It looked like their run was a free for all, allowing everyone to do what they wanted. I liked the idea.
I sniffed the air, enjoying the freedom to run through such an incredible place. Malone smacked my rump with his paw, indicating that we should leave as a young couple wandered onto the riverbank.
Although we were invisible to the human eye, we still didn’t want to arouse suspicion. Paranormals had been kept mostly secret from humans for millennia. As tempting as it was to be free to live in the public eye, I quite liked not being feared or scrutinized.
Trotting away, we headed down the road and explored the park below the Eiffel Tower. I had spent a lot of time on the grass, just watching the world go by. To see it almost empty and in shadows made me relish it even more.
It wasn’t the same as home, though. The rolling hills of the South Downs in England called my name, making me sadder than I had ever been. I had never imagined that I’d want to live in the countryside, away from Brighton City. And here I was, pining for the camp that had become my home, longing to see the pack who had slowly accepted me.
My paws slowed as I pictured the others, no doubt going about their evening. Was Rochelle designing another dress? Was Evie dying her hair a different colour? And what about Lionel? I’d left only a while after the attack, how was he coping without Emiliah?
Grief gripped me, freezing me to the spot. I had pushed the thought of each individual away every time they’d come into my mind. Why had I done that? They were my family now.
A huff made me turn to look at Malone, who stood waiting. I shook my head and gestured back the way we had come. I hoped he would understand that I wanted to go back to the house. I had avoided everything for too long. It was time to face it again.
Coming closer, Malone stared at me with his brown and amber eyes. The glow of the moon highlighted the white of his fur. Why did he have to be so pretty, even in wolf form? He was prettier than I was, which didn’t seem right, if you asked me.
“Come on,” a voice nearby caught my attention. “We’ve got to get home to the baby.”
A couple walked out of the bushes nearby, flushed and giggling as they held hands. They glanced at one another, their eyes full of love and happiness.
“I can’t wait to see him sleeping,” the father said, tucking his partner’s hair behind her ear.
Her sigh reached me as they headed towards the exit, arm in arm. What was it with babies? I hadn’t even thought about the little beings, and yet, they were popping up everywhere. Was it a sign from the universe that a conversation had to be had?
Malone watched me, his eyes blinking slowly in recognition. We had briefly discussed it, but it wasn’t something that was on my radar right now. I was still only twenty five, I had plenty of time for a baby in the future. If it was supposed to be in our future.
Setting off, I headed back to the house, eager to return to England. Malone stayed two steps behind me, clearly giving me the space that I needed. It had been a whirlwind couple of days, and I appreciated how Malone knew me well enough to know what was going on in my mind.
We didn’t know how we’d go forward when we were back with the pack, but we’d work it out. Together.
A breath of relief left me as we entered the courtyard, the shadows instantly engulfing us. There was music coming from the restaurant that was attached to the other side of the yard. My stomach growled, begging for food, but I was too fraught to go and eat.
Instead, I forced my shift, cringing as my body morphed back into a human. It might have been a while since I’d shifted, but it was as easy as riding a bike after a break.
“Are you okay?” Malone asked, grabbing his shirt and tugging it on.
Stepping into my dress, I pulled it up and nodded as I ran my fingers through my scruffy hair. “I’m alright. It was strange hearing another couple talking about a baby.”
A snort sounded from him as he buttoned up his jeans and came closer, his soft fingers stroking my arm. “I know, I couldn’t believe it when we heard them. These things will make you question everything that is to come. However, we can’t predict the future. We just need to sort out that bastard, Kieran, and then go from there.”
His response was half sensitive, half typical male. I smiled and shook my head, half grateful, half annoyed. There was no point in dwelling on something out of our control. Malone was right, we had to forget about it for now.
“Maybe one day there’ll be a little Malone running around,” I said, laughing when he raised one eyebrow.
“I feel sorry for you as a mother if he’s just like me.”
We moved out of the shadows and towards the door, pausing when Victor appeared.
“I’m sorry,” he said, his expression pretty grim. “But I couldn’t help overhearing.”
My nerves jangled as he wrung his hands together in front of him. It was rare to see a warlock looking like he was about to deliver news that was going to do harm. What the fuck did he want to say?