Page 32 of The Wolf's Captive
Knocking, I waited, perspiration lining every inch of my skin. It didn’t matter how easily I had slipped into the Brighton Pack, my heart would always be a witch first and foremost.
The door creaked open and Heather, the witch we’d last seen at the standing stones, peered out. “Ah! Della. Please, come in.”
Her thick blonde hair flew out behind her as she turned, allowing us entrance into her office. A sharp emotional pang clenched my chest as I walked into the room and looked straight in the corner where there was still a cage. The cage where Ertha had kept Bohdi after she’d kidnapped him.
“Heather, isn’t it?” I said, sitting on the pro-offered sofa without hesitation.
My knees had gone weak so I was grateful for the soft cushioning holding my butt.
Malone lowered his bulk next to me, almost squashing me against the side.
“Yes, that’s right. I’m acting leader right now. I don’t want to stay in the position, I’m too old.” Her tinkering laugh lightened the heavy energy in the room.
It was a very different feeling to when I’d seen her last, tired and grieving for Ertha. A flash of the previous leader’s face, slack and lifeless, popped into my mind, causing me to lose my breath. I’d killed someone… a witch elder at that. No doubt the ancestors would deny me an afterlife.
“So, are you looking for someone to replace you?” Malone said, putting on his charming voice.
I had never noticed he had one before, but the deep smooth notes of his voice slunk into my skin, warming it.
Heather blinked a couple of times before smiling at the werewolf alpha. “Yes.” She sighed, shaking her head. “Although, we’ve been a little unstable since Ertha… you know.”
Waving a hand, she glanced at the floor, her cheeks flaring red. There was no love lost between myself and the coven, but I didn’t blame Heather for Ertha’s actions. Not anymore, anyway. I had tried to move on.
“How are the witches doing?” I asked, diverting Malone’s next question.
I knew what game he was playing, but the witches would not take kindly to a werewolf interfering in their business. I wasn’t even sure they’d accept my opinion, either.
“Well…” Pausing, Heather looked into my eyes – really looked. “…how are you feeling? I should imagine you’d understand it more than me.”
Inclining my head, I swallowed hard. “Yeah, er, I suppose you’re right. It’s pretty fucking shit.” Placing a hand over my mouth, I gasped. “I’m sorry, how rude.”
Her laughter filled the room, vibrating around us. Malone started to chuckle with her, catching the infectious sound. I smiled, unable to take back the words I’d uttered, despite the fact that I’d just cussed in front of the Brighton Coven leader. I wasn’t one to care usually, but I wanted to have some decorum in order to appeal to her trusting side. Oh, well, shit happens.
“I’m not the type to shy away from a couple of swear words. I’ve been teaching teenagers their spells, so trust me, I’ve heard a lot worse.”
Shaking my head, I glanced down at the table, spotting a thick grimoire. “That’s why I feel like I should be on my best behaviour.”
“I have been told that I have an air of authority, hence why I took over from Ertha. And yet, I love the classroom too much to be stuck in this office.” Her sigh was heartfelt as she glanced around, a sad mist coming over her eyes. “The witches,” she said, quickly changing the subject, “they’re not doing great. Do you want to see them? We feel like you might be able to help.”
“You do?”
Shrugging as she stood, Heather smiled coyly. “Okay, one of our psychic witches told us to contact you. She thinks you can help.”
The trust from the other witches caused me to feel tingly inside. Maybe they wouldn’t hate me forever. It would be amazing to be able to get back to my shop and live a normal life without worrying about the coven. Although, I’d have to choose whether to continue to sell spells. Would it be my life purpose?
“Come. Let’s go and see the witches. They’re staying in a private apartment, here at the headquarters. We can’t let them go out into the world, in case Kieran or any of the other wolves try to interact with them.”
Getting to my feet, I joined Heather, keen to see the others. She was right, I knew how they felt more than anyone else could. The only difference was that I had a mate who had suffered too.
Luckily for witches, they didn’t have that same connection with one another. Still, they would’ve lost their familiars and been violated in the same way.
Heather led us out of the office and into the main hall. I hadn’t even known that there’d been a private apartment. If I had, I would’ve never tried to rescue Bohdi. Wait, that was a complete lie. I would’ve done anything for that cat.
“Everyone’s staring,” I whispered to Malone as we made our way across the hall.
Bypassing the noisy coffee corner, I almost ducked my head as the teens fell silent and gazed at me. It was only Malone’s hand slipping into mine that gave me the strength to hold my head high.
I would’ve understood if they were watching Malone. He was a crazy huge arse werewolf, walking through their headquarters, as if he owned it. However, their gazes were glued to me, the infamous hybrid.