Page 57 of The Wolf's Captive
His head shook slowly as he crossed his legs and swiped away the invisible fluff on his maroon trousers. “Not exactly. He offered to channel all of our magic to save you. He… sacrificed himself so you could live. You’re completely healed.”
“He what?”
Clenching my hands into fists, I swallowed down the rising mixed emotions. The man who had caused me a shit ton of grief had helped me to live? Why?
“It was his fault I almost died in the first place.”
Victor shrugged as he got to his feet. “He said that he wanted to right his wrongs. It didn’t take us much persuading considering he was going to be executed anyway.”
Tears swum in my eyes as I released my breath. So, the man had a redeeming quality I’d never imagined. One that would always baffle me. He had chosen to bind himself to me because of his strange desire for power, and yet, when it came to it, he wanted me to live. Fucking strange man.
Coming to me, Victor laid a hand on my shoulder. “Once the shock has worn off, maybe you can find it in your heart to let it go. No one will understand why people do the craziest of things, but you can rise above it. You can live your life now.”
“Free,” I muttered, wiping the moisture from the corner of my eye.
“Exactly.” Victor offered me his arm. “Shall we?”
Nerves suddenly made my stomach flip. Wow, Malone wasn’t giving me a moment to process my near death and Kieran’s demise. He was determined to not let anything get in between us again. Good, I was ready.
Walking out of the cabin with Victor, I made a promise to myself. The past was done with, the threat gone. Which meant it was time to start afresh and embrace my new way of life completely.
“Wow!” Rochelle exclaimed when I approached the small group of people waiting by the treeline. “You look incredible.”
“How are you feeling?” Evie asked, fluffing her short bright pink hair.
Smiling, I thanked Rochelle before shaking my head. “I’m completely healed, thank goodness.”
Both Rochelle and Evie took each of my hands and stared at me. They weren’t asking about my physical health, they knew that I was okay.
“I’m still in a bit of shock, I must admit.” My voice croaked. “I thought I’d died.”
Throwing their arms around me, they hugged me tight, almost squeezing the air out of me. A tutting behind us made the others pull away.
“Someone special is waiting,” Victor announced.
Sobering, we all nodded at one another, smiling and laughing. As bonkers as it was to get wolf-married right after my ordeal, it was the best remedy. I was ready.
“Follow me,” Evie said, leading the way.
We walked in silence, enjoying the bright sunshine and the call of the birds. The pack lands had become my home, despite me not being a lover of nature beforehand. I loved Brighton City, and would visit often, maybe even to start my shop again, but this… where the animals bounced and the smells were fresh… that’s where I belonged now.
My heartbeat increased when Evie led us to the edge of the woods. It was inside these trees, on the lake, where we’d bid farewell to our friends. Were we having the ritual in the same place?
“When the bonding ceremony takes place,” Rochelle said, taking my hand, “the wolves of the past attend, giving their blessing and enforcing the connection. Especially when it’s an alpha.”
Licking my lips, I nodded and tried to steady my nerves. My hands shook as they led me further into the trees and to the bank of the hidden lake.
There, stood on a beautifully carved jetty, was Malone. He turned to look for me, just as I appeared in the small clearing. The rest of the pack were gathered around, forming a walkway between them so I could reach their alpha.
When our gazes met, we both froze. My heart slipped into my throat, vibrating my chest as a flood of love and emotion trickled through every fibre of my being. His smile spread as he appraised me, his gaze trailing down the dress.
I couldn’t help but admire his navy suit which fit his huge frame perfectly. Wow, the fucking fine specimen of a man was mine. How the hell had I managed that?
“Are you ready?” Drake’s voice filtered into my ear.
Tears slunk into my eyes as I took his offered hand. He wore a smart black suit with a purple tie. Laura was close by, beaming as she gave me a small wave and blew a kiss.
I smiled back, inclining my head in acknowledgement. “Can you believe this is happening?” I asked Drake, who set off without warning me.