Page 6 of The Wolf's Captive
The corner of his lip quirked towards the edge of his mask. “Not only a witch but an English woman. It’s not often I find one of my kind here. Although…” He smelt the air, his eyebrows disappearing under his mask. “… your smell in unfamiliar. There’s something… different about it.”
“Your arrogance proceeds you,” I said, glaring at him. “You must have a small dick.”
His cough made me smile sweetly. Inside, I was raging, my skin hot and my heart pounding. How dare the bastard force me to talk to him. No one in polite society would ever dare to do such a thing.
“I apologise,” he muttered, waving his hand and dissolving the barrier wall. “I shouldn’t keep a lady when she’s not wanting to be kept.”
Inclining his head in apology, he backed away and turned to speak to the wolf couple who had been watching. I took the opportunity to skip down the steps, not even daring to look behind me as I went in search of Zoe.
Something about the warlock unnerved me. Had he been able to work out that I was a hybrid?
In order to keep Kieran from being powerful, I’d resisted using magic as much as possible. Hence the reason I’d stayed locked away in my apartment most of the time.
“Della?” Zoe’s voice startled me as she appeared with her friend. “Are you well?”
Shaking my head, I glanced around, my gaze landing on the warlock as he stood at the bottom of the steps, whispering to a very tall man. His eyes kept flicking towards me, his eyebrows pulled low. He had guessed that I wasn’t your ordinary witch.
“I’ve got to go.”
“Oh, no!” Zoe cried. “You can’t go yet, we’ve only just got here and the alpha wants to have a drink with you. I said that you–”
“I’m sorry.” Interrupting her, I searched the room for another exit as the warlock’s henchman entered the room, his dark gaze on me.
As soon as I spotted a wooden door, I headed straight for it, ignoring Zoe’s call. I couldn’t hang around and allow the warlock to find out who I was. No doubt, the wolf council wanted me brought in and although the man wouldn’t have any loyalty to them, I had to keep my whereabouts a secret.
“Pardon,” I said to a woman when I trod on her foot.
She winced, waving me away as she studied my attire, her forehead creasing in distain. Yeah, lady, I got it, I wasn’t dressed for the occasion. Why had I even contemplated coming, let alone walked through the door?
“Everything okay?” The alpha’s gruff voice sent a shiver over me.
Blinking up at him, I nodded quickly, checking over my shoulder to make sure that the warlock’s guard wasn’t too close. Shit, he was closing in, pretending to act casual as he skirted the outside of the crowd.
“Erm, I’m looking for the toilets,” I said, inwardly cursing my stupidity.
I was hoping the alpha would point me in the right direction and get back to his pretty friends. However, he put an arm around my waist and guided me to the wooden door. Swallowing hard, I clenched my jaw in an attempt not to smack him. My skin burnt where the tips of his fingers rested on my side. My aversion had to do with the mating bond. I was Malone’s and no one else should touch me.
“Thank you,” I squeaked when he opened the door and ushered me through.
Slipping away from his touch, I breathed hard, unable to get my bearings. We were in a small corridor that had several doors leading off it. Pictures of the werewolves hung on the walls in ornate and unique frames. Every person was smiling, truly happy within their pack. Maybe one day, if I could disconnect myself from Kieran, I could persuade the pack to move into a big mansion house and have happily-ever-after vibes.
“I can find my way now.” Smiling, I went to turn away.
“You’re interesting to me,” Louis said. “Why is that?”
Forcing an awkward as fuck laugh, I shrugged. “Maybe because I’m not a member of your pack? Now, I hate to be crude, but I really need to pee.”
His eyebrows pulled low, his gaze burning into me. Okay, so I knew the French were a sophisticated bunch, which was why I’d chosen my choice of words. However, he stared, almost mesmerised. Or maybe he was just on drugs. Who knew nowadays?
“Go,” he eventually whispered. “Three doors down.”
Nodding my thanks, I retreated, keeping my head low until I reached the third door. I chanced a glance as I gripped the handle, pausing when the warlock’s man joined the alpha and looked at me. The bastard was following me.
Luckily for me, Louis stalled him, asking something under his breath. I took the opportunity to carry on down the hall before slipping around the corner and into another main entrance. The front door was ahead, the pretty white curtain blowing gently in an invisible breeze.
If I wasn’t so worried about being kidnapped, I would’ve appreciated the beauty of the place more, but I had to get my butt out of the wolf den.
A footstep echoed behind me, the sound twisting my stomach as I launched for the handle of the door. It didn’t budge, the metal locked tight. Whispering an ice spell, I froze the handle before wrenching it out, wood surround and all.