Page 15 of Winning the Wolf
“Fine.” My sigh was loud in the small area.
Killick’s eyes widened slightly, betraying his surprise. “What?” he said, coming closer. “No fight?”
Shaking my head, I licked my lips, pausing when his gaze traced the movement of my tongue. I gulped as heat burnt my cheeks, no doubt turning them bright red.
“What’s going to happen to me? I want the truth.”
Raising his gaze, Killick looked up at the cliff above. I kept watching him, looking for a sign of his feelings on the matter. There was no point, he was the brooding son of a well-respected alpha. He was trained in the fine art of deception and obedience.
“I honestly don’t know,” he said eventually.
His gaze was dark when it met mine, quickly concealed by blinking and turning away. What was really going on in the alpha-heir’s world? Was he more worried about his mother than he was letting on? I’d been so wrapped up in my own fear about Nyla, I hadn’t even contemplated that his mother was missing… or worse.
“Your mum’s a powerful werewolf,” I blurted, “she would’ve healed from her wounds.”
His eyebrows pulled low as he stared at me, his gaze delving into mine. “We better get going. I think your friends…” He pushed the word bitterly through his teeth, as if he were pissed that Caleb and Dinky were happy to work for me. “…have got the rest of the day covered.”
The urge to resist was strong, almost tugging at every fibre of me. However, I had to play the long game if I wanted to survive. “Fine. Let’s go.”
Shoving past him, I stopped when his fingers wrapped around my wrist. His head came down, his lips hovering next to my ear. “Don’t get too friendly with Caleb, he’s not for you.”
Frowning, I turned my head towards him, ready to demand that he keep his nose out of my business. His breath rushed over me as our lips almost met and my heart pounded in my head. He didn’t move, instead staring into my eyes and squeezing the bones in my wrist.
I sucked air into my lungs and yanked my arm free. “You might be the alpha-heir, but you don’t own every werewolf in the pack. I’ll do what I want and if I want to fuck Caleb, I will.”
He hissed as if I burnt him, giving me time to step away and march towards the door. I didn’t pause to see his reaction, instead shoving inside and scooping up my bag.
“Everything okay?” Dinky asked as she placed a muffin on a plate.
Caleb was over by the till, serving a customer. I would have to arrange to pay them when I wasn’t under house arrest.
Sighing, I shook my head. “You’re right,” I whispered, just as Killick came in behind me. “I’ve got to go. Would you stay and help Caleb until everyone is gone? You don’t have to stay open all day.”
“Sure I do.” Dinky glared at Killick. “This place is the soul of Cheddar, it needs to stay open.” Moving closer to the alpha-heir, Dinky poked him on the arm. “You need to keep her safe so she can get back to her normal life.”
Killick’s expression remained deadpan as he shrugged. “I’m following orders.”
Growling low in my throat, I threw my arms around my friend and squeezed her hard. She clasped me to her, whispering quietly in my ear. “Be safe.”
My vision blurred as I pulled away and moved past her. She had keys to the place, so she’d keep an eye on it for me. She’d worked for us several times before, often helping out in the summer rush. Now, she would have to be the backbone of the business until Nyla and Miranda were found.
“Thank you.” Patting her arm, I stepped around her and headed across the shop, straight towards the front door.
Caleb gave me a wave and a wink as I thanked him. A flush of warmth bubbled inside me, making me glance at Killick, who glared at his friend. A totally inappropriate feeling of satisfaction flashed through me. Why would Killick warn me away from his friend? Probably to protect him from my tarnished reputation.
Barging through the door, I stamped across the concrete drive and waited by Killick’s car. A couple of people who knew me at school waved as they headed towards the shop. I smiled, determined not to let them see how fucked up my life was right now.
As soon as the girls saw Killick, they surrounded him, almost swooning at his mere presence. I didn’t understand the hype. Yes, he was powerful and a touch sexy, but he was a miserable bastard.
He smiled broadly at the women, even flirting a little. A zip of – was that jealousy? – sparked in the pit of my stomach. It had been a long while since I’d seen his face anything but sullen.
Taking out my phone in an effort to distract myself, I flicked through Facebook, adding Caleb as a friend and liking a few of his pictures. Petty? Yes. Did I care? No.
“Any news from your dad?” I said when Killick finally joined me.
His quick glance over my shoulder made him roll his eyes. “Seriously?”