Page 9 of Winning the Wolf
“Shall I go upstairs?” Killick asked, his gaze studying the canvas picture of us that hung on the wall.
Shaking my head quickly, I moved towards the stairs. “No, you check the kitchen.”
For some reason, I didn’t want my sister’s private items touched by anyone else but me. I had to find a way to save her, despite her betrayal. And if there was anything incriminating in her house, I had to get to it first.
As I made my way upstairs, the hairs on my arms stood on end and tears popped into my eyes. I couldn’t save my brother, but maybe, I could save my sister from herself. If I could find something that led me to her.
“Please, Nyla,” I whispered to myself as I pushed open her bedroom door, “give me a clue.”
The mess over the floor made me gasp. Clothes and empty chocolate wrappers were strewn everywhere, completely covering the usually pristine room. Heat raced over my skin as I went nearer to the bedside table, convinced that Phileas’ men had ransacked my sister’s private property, despite their assurance that they’d left the house alone.
“Always thought there was a secret side to Nyla.”
Killick’s comment made me jump. Scowling over my shoulder, I paused when my gaze caught sight of a box of condoms on her dresser. They were haphazardly ripped open, a few scattered on the wooden surface.
“Looks like she’s been having a fun lock in with her new boyfriend,” Killick said, his expression tight.
There was anger etched in the lines around his eyes, as if it had been a personal insult to him. When in fact, Nyla’s relationships with members from other packs was a middle finger to our father.
I had never understood the hatred between the packs, considering there were a lot of other rogue werewolves to be more concerned about. My father had explained that our life was bound by rituals and rules, ordained by the great wolf spirit. I wasn’t sure I believed in all the woo woo wolfy jargon, but ever since he’d slapped me around the face when I’d made a joke about it, I’d learnt to keep my mouth shut. He’d insisted that our pack, The Twilight Moon Pack, were in a good position to seek favour from the great wolf spirit and that we had to abide by the rules in order to fulfil our destiny. Not that I had any idea what destiny he was raving on about.
“Let me check something,” I said, riffling through Nyla’s underwear drawer.
Killick kept his gaze averted, studying the painting on the wall absentmindedly. “She should’ve dated one of the boys in your year at school or something.”
Frowning, I glanced at him over my shoulder. “That’s the problem with you, you think we’re still fifteen. It’s been ten years since we grew up overnight. Our brother gave us no choice.”
It stayed silent in the room as my fingers grasped what I’d been searching for. Nyla’s journal. My attention was distracted as Killick came over, his breath suddenly warming my neck, causing me to shudder.
“Still no excuse to fuck the enemy,” Killick said, his jaw clenched as he gestured for me to open the book.
My mouth almost dropped open, but I managed to press my teeth together to stop my frustrated reaction. I couldn’t exactly defend my sister’s actions considering I didn’t agree with them myself. Still, I wanted to defend her, even though she was in the wrong.
“You don’t know shit.”
Spinning away from him, I flipped open the journal and searched for the last entry. It was roughly a month ago and mentioned a plan that had been devised by Jeremy. She was doubtful and afraid of what might happen if she went through with it. There was no hint to what the plan involved or when it would be carried out.
“Not a lot to go on in here,” I muttered, turning to leave the room, my head still buried in the pages of the book.
Thumping straight into Killick’s hard chest, I grunted and lost my grip on the journal. His fingers came around mine, capturing both my hand and the book before it could fall.
“I don’t know shit…” His mouth moved right in front of my eyes, his warm breath bathing my face. “…but I’m the alpha-heir. I won’t be able to keep excusing your sister’s behaviour. Whatever she’s done this time… I just hope it was worth it.”
My chest rose and fell, my breasts brushing his hard chest. His words weren’t a threat, and yet, fear punctured my chest, making me cough gently. I just prayed to the wolf spirit that I found Nyla before anyone else and found out just what she’d done. Her fate would be decided by the alpha… and that scared the absolute shit out of me.
Cool air surrounded me as Killick released my hand and turned to leave the room. I followed, thumbing through the pages of the journal as we descended the stairs.
“Here,” I said, my heartbeat skipping, “she mentions a private meeting place above the old waterfall.”
As Killick reached the bottom of the stairs, he yanked open the door without looking back. He didn’t need to tell me what we’d do next. The hunt was on and my sister was the prey.
Pulling into the gravel parking area, I screeched the car to a halt. Killick glanced at me, his eyebrows raised as I unhooked my seatbelt and rushed from the car.
“Don’t you dare…” His sentence trailed off when he saw where I was heading.
My sister’s car.