Page 10 of Shadows and Runes
Moving slowly toward me as if I were prey he was trying to pacify, he places his hand out, gesturing for my own. I subconsciously place my hand in his just as he pulls it slowly to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on the back, his eyes an intense stare, unmoving from my own.
My heartbeat picks up a beat as he slowly pulls back, his eyes never leaving me, as a knowing smile broadens his face. A more mischievous twinkle in them than before.
“You may call me Lucien.”
I open my mouth to speak, just as my hand is yanked to the side.
Isaac places himself in front of me in a protective stance, blocking my view of beguiling Lucifer— I mean Lucien.
My brows furrow toward Isaac. He knows better than anyone else that I could handle myself.
“Hey…why don't we all calm down? I think we’ve all seen enough conflict for the day.” A man of similar stature but with a more athletic build, steps beside Lucien and Isaac.
My eyes meet the pacifier. Deep amber eyes pull me toward them, surrounded by sun-kissed skin, and framed by short curly brown locks.
He pauses when our eyes meet and draws in a breath. It hitches a bit before he slowly drags his gaze down my body, leaving a burning trail at every curve.
I clear my throat, pulling his roving eyes to mine.
He gives me a sheepish grin before shaking his head and flashing me a heart-stopping smile.
I grin, his smile becoming contagious.
“I’m Jace. And you are?” His stare is glued to my lips, waiting for my answer like a puppy begging for treats.
“I’m Rhys.” Jace's smile becomes wider at my name. “Rhys,” he mumbles, his gaze and smile never leaving me.
I clear my throat, looking at the group again, and noticing people with injuries.
“Let’s move everyone to the main Library upstairs. We have some medical supplies to help with the injured. My Library technician is there. She’ll help.” Mirin willlovethat. The fiery witch hated helping people if she had a choice in the matter.
Just then, a large shadow overcasts me from my side.
I lift my head to stare at the tall, muscular man. His hair was cut tight and black, his eyes a deep ocean blue, and his shirt was testing the limits of its fabric, showing every corded muscle and ab.
He seems like the enforcer type, a fighter if the light scars on his knuckles and neck are any indication. He stood tall before me, but I felt no intimidation from him.
“I’ll help.” He gives me a slight nod, his voice short and direct, a husky tone to the brief noise.
“Thanks—” Is all I get out before the large tank makes his way over to an unconscious man lying beside a couple of injured people. In one gentle move, he picks the man up and makes his way to the stairs.
“Wait, Cole—” The others around the man scramble to follow after him.
Others from the group follow slowly after, hesitant stares and mumbles as they slowly make their way up the basement steps.
Isaac narrows his eyes at the group before following quickly after.
Jace follows, too, a brief smile and nod to me before helping a couple of the injured up the stairs and toward the main Library.
I turn to make my way up the steps just as a voice clears behind me, loudly.
“Aswonderfulof an idea as that is…” the arrogant Fae says, dripping with sarcasm, “It would be safer to stay here, near the Portal.”
He casts a glance toward me.“Oh, that's right, you wouldn’t know anything about that.”
He adjusts his silk tunic, the fabric smeared with blood and fraying in one corner.
“The Portal…”he says while brushing his hand down his chest, “…is a safety mechanism of the Autarium, connected to the Library in case of an attack. It transports any living creatures near the Vault to the safest Library. It's only ever been activated in one other case, shortly after the Library was created.” He looks at me, tilting his chin, a brow raised as he trawls his eyes down my figure and back, a bitter scrutiny in them.