Page 15 of Shadows and Runes
“And some smaller shifters too. I think maybe coyotes or jackals. And definitely black magesornecromancers. I’m sure that’s who had Dolph.”At this, murmurs and whispers ring out around the room.
I look at Isaac as he stares at Aileen, his eyes glossing over for just a moment before he turns away slightly.
Black smokedoessound like a necromancer trait, with Isaac himself having the ability.
He had never met another necromancer before, and now it looks like we’ll have to face off against them.
But I needed somethingmore. Maybe if we knew more, we could figure out who they were or why they were attacking us now.
“Did they mention any names…or talk in a different language?”
At this, she scrunched her brows, then opened them slightly, remembering something.
“It's strange, but Ithinkthey called themselves theInteritus.I heard one beast shouting from the mid-level floor while fighting Jamie, a warlock, and one of our staff.” She looks at a dark-haired man, injured and laying in the arms of a small petite blonde.
“He spoke like a maniac, something about ‘the end for you all’and ‘Interitus will rule over you.’”
She shakes her head.“A lot of strange stuff, but that word stood out. It might not mean anything, though, just crazy ramblings.”
“Thanks, Aileen. This helps.” I give her a small smile.
She nods, then straightens and dusts off some ash from her skirt.
“I’ll go check on the people from my Library and see if anyone else needs my help.” She gives me one final glance before heading over to another group.
Cole suddenly steps forward, a firm look in his eyes as he gets near.
“I’ll do a quick round of your perimeter if you’ll allow it.” His eyes dark and firm.
I hesitate slightly before nodding. It was fine if he was just checking the perimeter.
Isaac comes beside him. “I’ll show you around as I do my own sweep.” He gives me a quick nod as they pass me by.
TheInteritus.It sounded like something out of Harry Potter.I mean, who named them…Voldemort?
Whatever idiot came up with that name needs to call the Dementors for better suggestions.
I stretch out my limbs, shaking the tiredness from this day away. Too much to do to be tired already.
Let's go protect my Library.
I searchthrough the old archives on the old dark oak desk in Isaiah's office. Stacked high with old parchments and small artifact pieces, the room hadn’t been touched much since his disappearance.
Still the same chaotic mess.Isaiah believed everything had its place, even if that was on top of or under a stack of old newspapers. Old broken pieces from artifacts were strewn across his fireplace and falling from old mugs. He particularly loved his whiskey, collecting numerous different types of decanters. His favorite being a French amber-colored glass set from the 1920s that he spelled for its preservation and placed proudly on the center of his mantelpiece.
Unfortunately for me, he was the only one that could find anything in this chaotic mess.But almost two years have passed with not a single word. Not from him or to any of his friends or acquaintances.
He had a tendency to become immersed in his own hobbies and thoughts, losing track of time easily. So, both Isaac and I thought he was having one of his ‘wayward weeks’and would be back after a short break, probably scouring the globe for some old volume or artifact. But he just…vanished.
Maybe he had seen something about this attack or knew something about this Interitus group, but even that didn’t make sense, as he wasn’t the type to run away from a fight.
He was always so cryptic. The type to answer a question with another question just for fun. Believing things work out the way they're supposed to, even if there were a few hard twists and turns along the way.
Isaiah was the hand stretched out to Isaac and me when all others walked past, and the warm light that pulled us from the cold darkness.He gave us a purpose, a home…a family.
I flip through the old books looking for a clue or trace of something. But there’s nothing.