Page 18 of Shadows and Runes
I cut him off, “Leave before I do something I might not regret.” My eyes narrow with my rising anger.
I was already drained from everything from this day. I let these people in my home and am repaid with being insulted, disrespected, and now this? I could endure a lot but not when it came to my family.
Ilyric sighs, looking between Jace and me and the small broken relic. He drags his hand through his hair, his posture stiff and forehead wrinkled.
“I…I meant no disrespect to your belongings or home.” His expression softens slightly, a thoughtful look in his eyes as he continues.
“Anders, the First Sector Librarian. He’s a close friend and someone I respect. I haven’t heard anything from him since before the attack on my own Library.” His eyes darken, worry spreading in his eyes as he stares toward me.
I sigh, the anger ebbing slightly. I could understand the worry and frustration of not knowing if a friend was okay or not, my own thoughts falling to Mirin and Isaac. But his cutting tone and disrespectful attitude needed to be kept in check. I wouldn’t be putting up with it again.
“I did manage to contact a friend in the Council before you all arrived.”
He turns to me, his eyes slightly wider.
“He told me that reinforcements would be on the way. He also mentioned the attacks on the Second, Third, and Forth Libraries…but nothing on the First.”
His shoulders slightly drop forward, his brows furrowed.
“No news isn't necessarily bad news,” I continue. “I always heard the First Library was like a modern fortress. Impenetrable,” I muse, pulling him from his somber thoughts,“and its Librarian always an exemplary supe.”
At this, Ilyric nods, a small smile appearing on his face. “Anders has a very strategic mind and was always very strong when we sparred too.”He looks at me, pausing before coughing a couple times. He then pulls his shoulders back and straightens his posture.
“Not that he could bestme.” His chin tilts upward as he continues.
“I won’t lose in battle to just anyone.”A haughty smile spreads across his lips as his arrogant tone returns.
Jace steps forward, a mischievous smile plastered to his face and a dark twinkle in his eyes.
“Then how about you put thosegreatskills to use and go protect the group in the main Library. And not behere.”Jace smirks. His annoyance toward Ilyric is clear as he narrows his eyes toward the Fae.
Just as Ilyric is about to retort, his arrogant and condescending attitude clearly wanting retribution for the remark, a loud shout pours into the room from below us.
They both freeze.
The room below is the main Library with the group.
Something must be happening in the Library.
I move around the desk just as another loud yell rings out from below. My eyes flicker to Jace and Ilyric before we all quickly rush to the door.
I hope it wasn’t the Interitus attacking.
Jace and Ilyriccatch up to me just as I reach the main Library. They stand to each side of me as we enter.
Loud shouts echo out around the Library, people talking over one another with angry raised voices, unwilling to lose to the other.
We stroll closer, their voices now clearer to hear the topic of dispute.
“We need to leave…to get out of here before thosepeopleattack this place too!” an old woman argues. She’s wearing a mousy brown up-do and pale blue dress suit. Probably elven, by the looks of her elegant posture and delicately tipped ears.
“We’re safest here,” shouts a young petite blonde, her brows pinched as she glares at the other woman.
“Assafeas we were in ourownLibraries?!” the older woman snaps back.“They were better thanhere.” She gestures to the Library around her, a look of distaste across her face.
Excuse me?