Page 7 of Shadows and Runes
I turn to Mirin. “We’re closing. So whoever is still left in the Library, tell them we’re doing a drill and closing for the day. Spell them if there's any humans asking questions. A simple memory fraction spell should do.”
Mirin nods, still holding her head with a disgruntled look plastered on her petite face.
Being the least favored Sector Library among the supe communities, thankfully, we didn’t get many patrons, only a couple of regulars and some stray humans like this morning.
I take the Aimoris, the only half-decent communication artifact left by Isaiah, and try to connect to Barius, a long-time friend of Isaiah’s and the only one to put up with his easy-going attitude.
He’s also a member of the Council, so if anyone could maybe give me an answer as to what this ungodly sound ringing out in my Library is, he would be the best one to ask.
It connects, just as the wisps of magic settle around the Aimoris.
“Rhys!” He looks relieved as soon as he sees my face.
“Barius, I—” I start, but he cuts me off.
“Thank god you're okay. Is your Library also under attack? I’ve already sent out members of the Aegis,but the others are quite bad and—”
“Barius!” I shout, confused by his sudden urgency.
“What are you talking about? Why would we be under attack?”
He freezes momentarily, his eyes widening.“Rhys, you need to lock down your Librarynow.”
“The other Libraries are under attack. We received a call for help and for reinforcements from Sector Two and Four, and if my information is correct…Sector Three has already fallen.”
“How…” I clasp my hand over my mouth. How is this possible?
“We’re not sure who's doing this, but we think they're after the Records. Lock down your Library, Rhys. Protect yourselves and the Records. I’ve sent as many as I can to help, but we’re low on—” His voice begins to fade in and out just before static rises from the Aimoris and cuts off completely.
Smoke pours from the artifact, a strong smell of burnt rubber hitting my nose before a sharp pain burns my finger.
I drop the artifact just as flames shoot from its sides. I stomp on it to put out the blaze.
It now resembles a small charred flattened toaster with my boot prints all over it.
Great,that was one of Isaiah's favorite relics.
I sigh. I won’t hear the end of it from him when he returns.
And now there's also no way of connecting to the Council as well.
First things first.Reinforcing the magic around the Library, then on to check the Autarium. I’ll have to make sure the Vault and Records are secure as well.
No-one would be getting in here, much less damaging or taking anything.
Between Isaac and me alone, we were a force to be reckoned with, needing no-one but ourselves to run and protect the Fifth Sector.
The other four sectors needed multiple supes for security, where we were more than capable alone. Add our spitfire of a witch to that, and this unknown threat wouldn't be stepping an inch into our Library.
I place myself in the center of the room. I close my eyes and open my senses to the magic in the Library surrounding me.Feeling it lightly surge toward me, threading in and out of the bookshelves and around the rosewood tables, slowly getting closer to me.
It pivots, dancing around me in light wisps as if affirming my identity before gently accepting my call. It flows softly around me in waves, a connection building between my magic and its own, with a small feeling trickling into me from the link, words pouring into my head;threat, coming, protect.
I nod, understanding the feelings filtering in through me. The Autarium wants to protect the Library, somehow knowing a threat is coming. An overwhelming sense of anger flooding me through the connection.