Page 44 of All for the Beast
“You…” Katy began breathlessly. “You knew?”
Melyn flashed a grin at Katy, mocking her with her tone.
“Not until he told me earlier, sweetheart,” Melyn said. “Seems like you’re both having some trouble in paradise.”
Katy felt the urge to hop into the booth next to V and console him, to tell him to take them both in her name. But she sat there, frozen in time and space, unsure what kind of world she had walked into.
“Everyone in town knows that you are mates,” Dimess went on. “Ever since Gerri connected you both, it’s been a known fact. But my sweet Melyn here snuck in like the incredibly sexy snake she is and found out that there has yet to be a mating mark.”
Katy cringed at the reference, then felt her mind swirl with confusion. Gerri had told her all about the mate business, as did Vharlk a little, but no one had said anything about any kind of mating ritual. She felt like an idiot, not clued into the entire plot of what was occurring around her.
She also felt a wash of guilt for hiring Melyn with zero knowledge as to her collusion. She had brought the woman into V’s life, and it could end up being his end, all because of her unwillingness to reflect upon her own feelings.
Katy shot a look at V, whose confidence was pouring away like a draining pool.
“I had no idea, V,” Katy said sternly. “You have to believe me.”
V nodded, staring down at the table. His appearance of defeat seemed to satisfy both the traitors standing over them.
“So it is settled,” Dimess muttered.
Katy shot her head at the two ugly mugs and snapped at them with passionate vigor. “Vharlk is the son of the king!” she blared. “The Siborim King! How on Earth would you have more of a claim to the throne than he does?”
The two began to chuckle mockingly, making Katy’s head begin to ache with rage. Dimess motioned towards V, whose expression was growing more and more defeated.
“I think your man can answer that question.”
Katy turned to V, whose hand had crept onto her leg. She felt a burst of affection for him, feeling the weight of his hand on her, the way he looked when he was being his most vulnerable.
“Without a mate, I cannot produce an heir,” V said quietly. “And without an heir, my line would end with me. It is the Siborim way to always have another in line.”
Katy scrunched her nose up, irritated by the archaic ways of the alien planet.
“That’s ridiculous.”
“It’s the Siborim way,” Dimess repeated.
Katy gritted her teeth, feeling the immense weight of liability about the situation they had fallen into. She had hired Melyn without realizing who she truly was, and she had rejected V all in the same day. It was difficult to feel like any of it wouldn’t have happened if she had just stayed on Earth.
She tried to meet V’s eyes, but he wouldn't look at her. He lifted his eyes, giving a scornful look to end all looks at Dimess.
“I accept your challenge for daybreak tomorrow,” he said harshly. “I am not going anywhere without a fight.”
Dimess chuckled deeply, then linked arms with Melyn, who was also laughing with a tiny dose of hysteria.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Dimess murmured.
The couple turned and walked out of the restaurant, proud and arrogant. Katy could hear them laughing all the way outside, making her wish she could participate in the fight herself.
She was looking at the door and huffing with anger when she felt V’s hand remove itself from her leg. It was a terrible feeling. He started gathering their drinks and plates together and called for the bill with a subdued stare.
“V,” Katy whispered. “This can’t be the way things go around here. Are you seriously going to participate in a life-or-death duel with this man? All because I … said no to you?”
He slid his eyes to her, face blank with a mournful flair. It could have seemed condescending to others, but Katy knew deep in her heart that he was trying to keep her from blame.
“This is the tradition on our planet,” V said quietly. “I know that it must seem ancient to you and probably a little nonsensical, but it’s been this way for centuries. Without a mate, I can’t have an heir, and without an heir, I can’t be king.”
Anger and sadness bubbled up inside her. She remained silent as V paid for the bill, tipping the server generously as always, then stood from the table. He buttoned up his jacket and then held out his hand to her.