Page 22 of Can I Come Over
Text message from Daniella: Soooo, I haven’t heard from you since you landed in Spokane! Any updates?
Text message from Daniella: WTF is going on with you and the Words & Letters guy? Is he hot?
Text message from Daniella: Is he a kidnapper? Does he have you trapped in a basement somewhere? I’m starting to get worried. *sad face emoji* *sad face emoji sad face emoji*
Text message from Daniella: ARE YOU ALIVE?! Did he take you? DO. I. NEED. TO. CALL. THE. POLICE?
Text message from Me: Hey there, sorry! He’s been keeping me really busy in all the best ways, with the. Best. Sex. I’ve. Ever. Had! Can’t wait to tell you about it when I get home! (I came four times last night!)
Text message from Me: Oh, and we just got done kayaking on his lake. (He owns more than one!) And he fucked me in his private vineyard this morning, and took me on a shopping spree since we’re so far from my hotel. The stories I have to tell you… But um, long story short: He’s sexy as hell, and everything that I thought he would be & more. I really like him, Daniella. I can’t see myself dating anyone else. Ever.
Text message from Daniella: Seriously? Two texts, some sexy tidbits and a few ‘Ohhh I like him a lot’ sentences? That’s all I get for not hearing from you for FIVE DAYS? What type of BFF nonsense is this?!
Text message from Daniella: I’m kidding. Glad to know you’re alive and getting fucked, finally. (Can I get his full legal name at least, so I can look him up on LinkedIn or Facebook?)
Text message from Me: His name is Dane Holland.
Text message from Daniella: So, um. There’s only one Dane Holland in Spokane, WA popping up for me via LinkedIn. It’s the same guy who shows up in a few FB pictures.
Text message from Daniella: All of the FB pictures are a few years old and they all feature your dad and his wife. They also have “The lady, the guy, and the guy’s best friend” captions. Am I looking at the correct Dane Holland? Did you misspell his name?
Text message from Me: No, that’s him. Dane is Ryan.
Text message from Daniella: Call me right the fuck now.
I opened the door for Christina, waiting for her to step inside one of the spa resorts that I owned. For the second day in a row—in between fucking her senselessly and ensuring she came in my mouth as much as possible, I’d driven across the state and given her a tour.
These few days would never be enough as far as I was concerned, and I wasn’t looking forward to her departure. I never wanted her to leave.
“What are you thinking about?” She looked up at me as we walked through the lobby.
“Wondering if I can convince you to stay for a little while longer.”
“I’ll be back in three weeks,” she said. “I already have that flight booked, remember?”
“Good to know.” I clasped her hand and guided her to one of the private pools.
“This one is even prettier than the last one you showed me.” She unbuttoned her jacket and slipped out of her jeans, slipping into the pool completely naked.
I smiled, watching her swim across the water. When she reached the other side, she came up for air and laughed. “Are you going to come in and join me?”
“In a minute,” I said, pulling my shirt over my head. I removed my phone from my pants and noticed new alerts.
There was a new text from Michael and a letter from someone I’d never messaged before on Words & Letters.
Text message from Michael: Sorry! I missed your text from this morning. You said that we need to talk about something important, in person? Tell me when and where.
Text message from Me: Friday. Your place. Breakfast.
Text message from Michael: Can I get a hint as to what it’s about, so I won’t have a heart attack?
Text message from Me: A woman I’m planning to date long-term.
Text message from Michael: Oh, well fucking FINALLY. Why can’t you call me now and tell me about her?
Text message from Me: It’d be best in person. The woman from Words & Letters did eventually come into town, so I want to hold off until her last day.
Text message from Michael: Of course, you do. Is she attractive? Do you think I’ll like her?
I ignored that text for now and opened the new message from the app.
Letter Topic: Bella/Christina
Dear Ryan/Dane,
Just so you know, if you fuck up my friend’s heart, I will murder you. I will also make sure that no one ever finds your body.
She really likes you, but if this is just a fling on your end, please don’t lead her on.
If you don’t care about her as much as she cares about you, please do the right thing and A) Let her know or B) Leave her alone and let her come home to Charlotte.