Page 18 of Ms. Claus's List
“Then you better hurry it up, Pip,” Donna all but growled, tossing the coverlet over my bed to hide the numerous cum stains.
Dammit, the whole place smelled like sex and candy. No time to clean now.
This must be what it felt like to be a human teenager getting caught with a boy in her room and Dad coming down the hallway. No, this was worse. I had three boys in my bed and it wasn’t Daddy coming down the chimney.
It was fucking Santa Claus!
Donna shoved Lars toward the door. “Out. Out! Out!”
He fumbled over his feet, scowling at her before he tossed me a wistful look, enhanced to rakish by his disheveled appearance. “It was fun.”
I sniffed a laugh. “Sure the hell was, boys.”
Pip dragged Erik, shoes and shirt in hand, toward the door. “C’mon. Move your chocolate ass,” he ordered the elf. “We gotta help the rest clean up before Santa gets here.”
I gave Pip a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.”
He paused long enough to wink at me. “No, thank you.” He flipped a thumb at Erik and Lars. “If we get out of this with our chastity intact, I might have to keep these two, if you don’t mind.”
I laughed. “They’re all yours. And don’t worry. No matter what happens, none of you will get into trouble.”
The same couldn’t be said for me.
Pip seemed relieved, but trepidation inched down my back like ice. Heart racing, I headed toward the window in my bedroom and looked out into the Great Hall. Elves ran around, picking up discarded clothes and empty beer mugs. Two big Dökkálfar rolled a barrel of ale back into the kitchen. No time to hide them now. We could only pray Nick would be so amped up from his record-breaking flight he wouldn’t notice the mess. One elf, feet dug in the ground, attempted to shoulder an inebriated reindeer out of the hall, but the beast didn’t budge.
Dammit, I really hated those things!
“We have to stall him,” I announced just as a blasting siren went off—the red alert Nick had come within sight of North Star Look-Out Tower.
“Fuck!” I shouted as the men took off running down the hall, Erik dropping a shoe.
Pip grabbed his big arm when he stopped. “Forget your shoe! Run!”
Donna became seized with hysterics, wringing her hands and muttering a mish-mash of nonsensical Christmas carols. “Oh no. I can hear him on the roof, making such a clatter. No, no, no.... Click, click, click, here comes Jolly Ol’ Saint Nick. Not good. Not good!”
I grabbed her by the arms and gave her a firm shake. “Stop freaking out! Think! We have to stall him!”
Snapping out of it, Donna gave me a nod. I grabbed her hand and ran down the hall, taking the stairs two at a time and trying to fasten my robe at the same time. As I raced through the corridors to the Launch Hall, elves ran, screaming orders all around us. The place was a madhouse!
Thankfully my long fur coat still lay on the floor in the center of the Launch Hall—a passed out Light Elf on top of it.
“Get up!” I ordered and he rolled over, drunk as a skunk.
Donna heaved him off. “Gimme that coat and get off the runway unless you want your drunken ass flattened by reindeer.”
That seemed to get his attention, and he fumbled and crawled to safety.
Donning my coat, I tossed a look around the Launch Hall. The confetti from the pageant littered the floor but no time remained to clean it up. Some of the elves manning Reindeer Station One were only half dressed but they were all wild-eyed as they frantically tried to check their controls and prepare to open the doors.
I groaned. “We’re so busted.”
“Maybe he won’t notice,” Donna offered.
Yeah right.
“Incoming!” Patty yelled over the loudspeaker, his professionalism gone the way of my virginity. “Move away from the doors!”
A Ljósálfr, screaming at the top of his lungs, ran across the runway, shirtless, just as the sharp metal sound of gears turning filled the air. The siren blasted, warning us that Santa would impact in mere seconds if we didn’t get the doors open. The two door elves threw all their body weight into the levers as Patty shrieked from the loudspeakers.