Page 28 of Little Deaths
“Yes, I talked to one ofmyguests at the funeralIhosted formydead husband after you decided to leave,” she said, in an exasperated voice. “You don’t own me, Rafael. No matter what you make me do for you. I want you to remember that.”
“Hmm. I didn’t realize this was such a sacrifice for you.” Rafe brushed her hair over her shoulder before gripping the neck of her top and tugging her blouse down. She yelped girlishly and tried to cover herself, but he pushed her hands away. “You must really want to keep the house.”
“I hate the house,” she said, with surprising bitterness. “It’s the condemnation I can’t stand. If I just lie down and give up, then it feels like I’ve let them win.”
Rafe paused, breathing against her throat. He could smell something sweet against her skin. It wasn’t the wine and it wasn’t Daisy.Something else, he thought.Floral.
“Why does it matter then?”
“Let’s not pretend that you care about my problems.” She inhaled sharply when he licked the wine from her collarbone. “Is this for your book? Is that why you took me out?”
“No. I took you out because I felt sorry for you.” He used the loose sleeves of her blouse to pin her arms behind her back, knotting them deliberately roughly. He wanted her to feel everything. “But I don’t feel sorry for you anymore.”
“Screw you.”
Yes, he thought wildly, with a dark laugh that clearly unnerved her.Screw me.
When his mouth covered hers, he could taste the wine still coating her tongue. He kissed down her throat, lingering over her pulse, where he pressed a little harder, trying to leave a mark. She made a small sound as he traced the shape of her breasts through the lace bra before rolling the cups down. Both her nipples were hard. He bit one gently and felt her flinch.
Sensitive, he thought, and his cock stirred. He wondered what other places on her body would make her jump and whimper, and which ones would make her moan. He intended to find them all. But when he bent to her again, she unconsciously moved sideways, and he glanced up at her in frustration. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut.
“I’m not going to hurt you, Donni.”
“What a prince,” she said flatly.
“Oh, I’m no prince. You saw to that.” He stroked her face and saw her crack open a wary eye. “But I scraped myself up off the floor and put myself back together when you sent me away, and I think we would both agree that I came out just fine.”
“I wouldn’t.”
“You made your choice when you had me sent away.” He sucked on her lip, ignoring her little barbs. “Just like I’ve made mine.”
“What choice?” her words came out muffled against his mouth.
“That I’d rather have you hating me than not have you at all.”
He released her face to unzip his jeans and saw her large brown eyes dip to track the movement. Her hair was hanging on either side of her face, in two sheaves, just grazing the tips of her breasts. His heart was pounding and he found himself feeling glad that she couldn’t feel it, that she didn’t know the effect she was having on him or how much he needed this.
Gathering himself, he ran his hand loosely over his cock while letting his eyes drift over her body. Desire pooled inside him like molten gold and when his breathing started to falter, he stopped stroking himself and slid his hand through the thick, curling spirals of her hair, taking care not to crush the silky strands as he gathered them in his fist.
The look on her face was resigned. She knew what was coming next, he could see it in the set of her shoulders.
It would be a shame to disappoint her.
He yanked her over the center console before she had time to resist. A little yelp escaped her as he offset her balance, causing her to fall forward. He cushioned her landing, throwing down the parking brake so it wouldn’t jab into her belly. And then she was half on his lap, mere inches away from where he wanted her most, breath tickling the head of his cock.
It was the most erotic thing he’d ever felt. He paused expectantly, but when she didn’t move, he guided her slowly by the chin, letting out a rough sigh at the warm, luxuriant heat of her mouth. “Ah,” he sighed. “Yes.”
He kept his hand on the back of her neck as she blew him, careful to keep the pressure light, her hair still gripped by his fist. When she tightened her lips and sucked, his head fell back against the seat and a small tremor went through his hand.Yes, he thought.Do that. Hate-fuck me with your mouth. It’s the indifference I can’t stand.
The windows fogged, dripping with the condensation of their commingling breaths and heated bodies, prompting him to undo as many of the buttons of his shirt that he could reach so he finally had room to breathe. Despite the mugginess of the car, the outside was still faintly visible through its misty screening. Rafe, leaning against the seat at an angle with his thighs spread, had a good view out the passenger window where, through the clouded glass, he could just make out a faint orange pinprick. As if someone across the street was smoking a cigarette.
While watching them.
Posted in r/helpmefind by u/90sNostalgiaFreak88
Ok, so I can’t remember if this is real or if I made it up but here it goes. I’m looking for a TV show I saw at a friend’s house one night as a kid. It was like CSI but helllllllaaa bad and it was about two girl cops and one of them looked like Carmen Electra but it wasn’t because I checked IMDB first. The episode I saw had a dead prostitute who’d OD’d in a dumpster and she ended up becoming a horror actress or something (idk???) but I can’t remember her name either.
Any help????