Page 13 of Cold Salvation
The anger coursing through my veins made me want to beat the hell out of the wall. Too many assholes in this world preyed on the LGBTQIA community. Personally, I knew I was tired of being used then thrown away like trash.
“How could you even think that?” Hana’s voice cracked.
I stood by what I said. I didn’t want to hurt her, but it needed to be said. Though, I could have said it better.
Before I could apologize, Hana leapt to her feet and ran back into her room. She slammed the door behind her with a startling bang followed by an audible click of the lock.
Well, fuck.
Chapter Six
My dear, sweet Joseph was having an assholish kind of day, so I figured I’d give him some space. That’s usually what we did when we felt extra bitchy. Not that I’d tell Joseph he was bitchy to his face. While Joseph has always kept it real with me, he’d never outwardly hurt me. Not until today.
I was reeling. What more did I have to lose? My child, my finger, my home, my sense of peace? I stumbled into my room and slammed the door, turning the lock in place. I was sick of feeling so alone. Was it so wrong that I wanted everyone in my life to be happy? It beats hating each other.
It killed me to know that I was the reason Joseph and Logan’s friendship was fractured seemingly beyond repair. If I’d never moved here, maybe they would have been fine. Hell, from what I saw in the living room, maybe they would have been lovers. But I couldn’t live my life on what ifs. No, if I wanted something to happen, I would have to pull on my big girl panties and make it happen.
I waited until Joseph left for work before I left my room again. It was time for us to move on with our lives. Yes, we were still grieving, but I didn’t want to keep wallowing in this pain and darkness. The cathartic release from this morning had long passed. I felt the loneliness creeping back in. Instead of giving into it, I was going to find my inner strength.
But first, I needed to wash up.
I didn’t take too long in the shower. I made sure I shaved and cleaned my body twice. It felt like years since I was last clean—really clean. Wrapped in a towel, I headed into my room and straight to my closet. I reached for a beautiful summer dress that hung way in the back. I slipped it on along with my long pad and panties. I didn’t want blood all over the place.
I wobbled a bit in my heels. It had been a while since I wore them last, and I wasn’t exactly 100% yet. But impressions were what I wanted to make today, so I sucked it up and headed out, feeling a bit tired and weak, but looking my best.
After grabbing Logan a bite to eat from his favorite restaurant, I headed to AiCart. Security greeted me with surprised hellos, but no one stopped me from heading straight to Logan’s office. I made many assumptions. One of which was that Logan would be in Luke’s old office since Luke was gone and Logan had usurped the CEO position.
Bethany was nowhere to be seen and I didn’t mind that. I hoped she wasn’t here at all. It would make my life easier if I never laid eyes on that bitch again.
But I couldn’t be that lucky.
I pushed open the door to Logan’s office and there she was, leaning over him with her abundant boobs pressed into his arm while she stared intently at the computer screen in front of them like it held all the answers to the universe. I looked her up and down, her curves even more luscious than before, and felt less confident than when I had left, because she had no ugly scars or missing body parts. Pregnancy obviously agreed with her. I felt a sense of deja vu. It was like seeing Luke all over again, and I barely contained the growl that came out of my throat, followed by a pang of longing that the universe deemed Bethany could keep her baby where I had to lose mine.
Logan looked up, pleasure showing in his gaze at the sight of me. “Hana! I hadn’t expected to see you today.”
“I can see that,” I murmured.
Yes, it was a catty remark, but I couldn’t help myself. She seemed to have no qualms cozying up to my husband now that her meal ticket was dead and gone.
Logan pushed his chair back, which caused Bethany to stumble out of the way. “I’m glad I wasn’t in any meetings because you are a sight for these sore eyes, little Hana,” he offered as he walked over to me. He engulfed me in a huge hug.
Tears pricked my eyes because, in this moment, I felt a sense of normalcy. Peace washed over me for the first time in a long while. I felt like I’d come home. It was the same feeling I had whenever Joseph and I spent time together.
“What’s in the bag?” Logan pulled me out of my thoughts.
“Oh, I brought you something to eat since I knew you didn’t have time to pick up anything on your way this morning. You were a little tied up.” I reminded coyly.
“What a good little wife I have,” he murmured, nuzzling his face against mine.
It would seem that my mother was right, and I owed her a phone call. The best way to a man’s heart was through his stomach. But the thought of contacting my mother caused my stomach to roil with anxiety. I was a shit daughter. She had to be so disappointed with me.
Logan must have noticed the change in mood because he captured my chin in his warm palm to look deeply into my eyes.
“Bethany, we need the room,” he said without breaking his gaze.
“But Logan—”