Page 17 of Cold Salvation
Joseph turned on soft rock and we got to listen to our precious Hana singing off key. The woman may fuck like a porn star, but she couldn’t hold a note to save her life. It brought a smile to both our faces. It felt nice to be out with all of us. After everything we’ve been through, a little levity was a relief. Maybe this would work out.
Joseph pulled into valet parking, and I was thankful I was still in my work clothes. I didn’t want us to be turned away if there was a dress code. I looked out the side of my eye at Joseph. I hadn’t even known the man owned a blazer, but he wore it well. It was almost like a second skin. I briefly wondered if he wore it because he knew he was seeing me and wanted to impress me? No, that didn’t track. Joseph was the least insecure man on the face of this planet. If anything, this was a power play. He wanted me to look at him as another alpha male. Something I didn’t mind doing as long as that big dick energy was directed at me and not my impressionable wife.
He jumped out the truck and came around before I could get my seatbelt off to open the door. The flip in our roles threw me for a loop, but I kept my remarks to myself as we both helped Hana out of the vehicle.
I expected Hana to pull away from Joseph, but instead she held each one of our hands in one of hers. I waited for the irrational jealousy to rip through me and ruin this outing but felt nothing. Except contentment. When I looked down at Hana, I realized it was because her eyes were shining, and she wore the biggest smile I’d ever seen from her.
Joseph approached the hostess and said, “I made a reservation for Pierce.”
That explained the suit, clearly. I was just being fucking paranoid. Suck a little cock and I start thinking a man was trying to steal my wife. Fuck I needed to get it together. Nothing made sense since Luke’s death. While it was needed, I felt like there was a giant hole in my chest. I kept trying to fill it, but nothing was working. I didn’t want to think about why that was. Regret wasn’t something I had the luxury of feeling. What’s done was done.
The hostess grabbed three menus and motioned us to follow her. “Right this way.”
We were seated booth style. Joseph across from us and Hana next to me. She was wearing a false smile on her face.
I saw a waitress walk by and flagged her down. “Excuse me. I know we aren’t a large party, but could we sit at the round booth?” I opened my wallet and pulled out three-hundred-dollar bills.
“Of course, sir, that table has just been cleaned as well.” She grabbed our menus and we moved.
I slid in first, Hana after me, and Joseph taking up the rear. I didn’t even glance his way. I just looked down at Hana to gauge her mood. The false mask of happiness was replaced with a shy, coy but genuine smile. There’s my fucking girl.
“You doing alright, my little Hana?” I rasped in her ear. It turned me on to make her happy. My cock wasn’t full mast, but I was sporting a semi.
“Both of my guys hanging out and being civil? What more could a woman ask for?” She murmured, pulling her menu closer. I saw her hands were clutching it tightly and couldn’t help brushing her thigh with my hand for comfort.
“Good, what’s delicious to eat here, Joseph?” I asked him over Hana’s head, trying to maintain civility.
“I’m not sure, but we could do a buffet style since the table is so big, and just pick what looks good from there.” He didn’t look me in the eyes, and if I thought back, he hadn’t looked in my eyes since I saw him this morning.
“That sounds good to me. Hana?” I rubbed her back to get her attention, and Joseph must’ve had the same idea because our fingers touched.
The zing went right to my groin—all from the small brush. I shook it off. I wasn’t into Joseph. Just Hana. This was all for Hana. That’s all I needed to tell myself. I could repeat it until I believed it.
“Mmhmm, yeah. That sounds really good.” She sounded breathless, and when I looked down, I noticed Joseph’s hand had moved to her knee.
“Paws off,” I snarled, pushing his hand off her.
“What the fuck, Logan? I touch her all the time,” Joseph snapped, his eyebrows raised like I was the crazy one.
“Not without permission, you don’t.” Before I could stake my claim on my wife and remind her who she belonged to, Hana sighed.
“We were doing so well.” She crossed her arms over her chest and slouched into herself.
“Hey there, what can I get you all?” A perky waitress approached our table and cut off the rest of the conversation.
“One of everything,” I say, snatching the menus from everyone and handing them over. Unfortunately, my movements were a tad too aggressive, and I ended up smacking the poor woman.
“Logan!” Hana cried. She turned her back to me and said to the waitress, “I’m so sorry for him. He’s just in a terrible mood.”
The waitress, whose name I found irrelevant because she wasn’t Hana, shot us a tight smile and left.
Before Hana could move away, I pulled her towards me.
Joseph lifted her feet and placed them in his lap.
That was it. The gloves were coming off. He was trying to take my woman, and I wouldn’t fucking let him. I’d kill him first. Friend or no friend.
Chapter Eight