Page 20 of Cold Salvation
Hana’s shrill voice hit Logan and his eyes widened in panic. “That’s not what I meant, my little Hana.”
His tone was softer than he’d ever used with me, and I couldn’t help the pang of jealousy that whipped through my body.Before our falling out, Logan spokethatsoftly with me. His eyes would crinkle in the most adorable and sexy way. I wanted that back. I wanted Logan to speak softly to me again. I wanted him to look at me with gentle eyes. Why couldn’t he give me a fraction of the attention he bestowed on Hana?
“It wasn’t right regardless of who was at fault.” Hana said, glaring down at him with arms crossed.
“I know. You’re right. I’m sorry I got so angry at you, Joseph. This wasn’t your fault at all. I’m just frustrated. Sit down, Hana.”
His apology threw me for a loop. I couldn’t remember the last time Logan had apologized to me and meant it. I glanced over at him to see the sincerity in his gaze.
“No.” Hana stomped her foot. Since she was trapped between us, she couldn’t leave.
“It’s alright.” Ever the peacekeeper, I let it go. “Sit, Hana. Here’s the manager now.”
A portly man came stumbling out the back room. “Is there a problem?” I could see the sweat beading on his forehead. “We’re comping what you’ve ordered. Just go.”
Before I could answer, Logan responded. “Apparently, we need to leave this ‘family establishment’ for PDA?”
“Yes,” the manager confirmed. He pulled a handkerchief from his suit and wiped his brow. “Too many complaints.”
“Just say that you want us to leave because we are polyamorous. That’s discrimination. And you’re also prejudiced against us because I’m Asian, he’s black, and he’s bisexual.”
I’d never seen Hana so angry except for when she was in the hospital when Logan visited.
“No, no,” the manager insisted. “It’s not that. We just don’t allow—”
“People of color?” Hana injected.
“It’s not—”
“LGBTQ?” Logan drawled.
“Stop putting words in my mouth,” the manager sputtered. “What I’m trying to convey is—”
“That you have a separate PDA policy that is only applied to a selective group of people that don’t fit into theheteronormative idealsof our oppressive culture where they must immediately leave the premises?” Hana’s sarcasm wasn’t lost on me.
“Madam, it’s—”
“Utter bullshit!” Hana yelled, slamming her hands on the table. Drinks spilled over.
I’d never seen Hana so overprotective. If I wasn’t in awe of her destructive temperament, I’d be hard as fuck right now watching her defend us. But I had to calm this situation down before the police were called.
“Sir,” I pacified, “we are just trying to understand why other couples, like the ones right there, weren’t asked to leave this establishment as well.”
“Well, see here. They aren’t making people feel uncomfortable.” The manager dabbed his handkerchief over his forehead again.
“Oh, we’re making patrons in your fine establishment uncomfortable?” Hana then screeched, “I’ll show you uncomfortable!” She started tossing shit off the table. Bread rolls took to the air, as did a basket of appetizers.
I was so shocked that I couldn’t do anything but stand there and watch. I jumped when Hana brushed her arm across the table, knocking glasses and plates off the side with a crash. Why did I find all this just as hot as I did appalling? I looked helplessly to Logan, who’d stood and left the booth before he got dirty, to step in and control his wife, but he just smirked at Hana then whipped out his cellphone.
“Please! Miss—”
“It’s all bullshit!” Hana argued as she rushed around the table to get into his space. “Who exactly do you think you are, believing that it is okay in this day and age you can have those kinds of views? Are you the owner?”
The manager shook his head.
“Where’s the owner of this restaurant then? Have him come out and face me like a man!”
By this point, I’m using one arm to hold Hana back while she takes wild swings at the manager. Hana doesn’t push me away, but she doesn’t stop either. With a crazed look in her eyes, she grabbed a handful of our spilt meal and chucked it at the manager, yelling obscenities that would make a sailor blush as she moved between English and Korean. I finally pull Hana into a bear hug, if only to stop her from catching a serious battery charge.