Page 22 of Cold Salvation
I swear I creamed myself. Obviously, the pull I felt toward him hadn’t dissipated during our time apart. In fact, if anything, it had grown. What was the saying? Was it that separation made the heart grow fonder?
But it wouldn’t be truthful for me to say that I only felt this way toward him. I felt it with Joseph as well. I knew Logan did too, he was just too chickenshit to admit it.
“I’m not playing any games,” I whispered, breathless. My chest heaved in both adrenaline and arousal. I had to choose my words carefully. Logan had always been a hot-tempered man, and I knew if I said the wrong thing, I’d set him off. He’d probably go after Joseph without hesitation.
Logan pulled back just enough to stare deep into my eyes. His dark eyebrows lowered giving his face an oddly menacing look. “I don’t believe you, my little Hana.”
“I-I don’t—”
“Enough.” Logan bent over and lifted me onto his shoulder.
I protested loudly and tried to wiggle out of his hold, his big hand came down hard on my ass with a loudthwack.He carried me back into our bedroom and kicked the door closed before dropping me onto the bed. I bounced twice and scrambled backwards to get my bearings.
“Logan, let’s just cuddle and go to sleep,” I tried to reason. “We can talk about all this in the morning.”
“Is that what you call me?”
I shivered, his dark voice wrapping around me. I hadn’t thought about our time together, at least on an intimate level, in a long while. In the life before Luke died, Logan always made me call him something else in the bedroom.Give in.
As soon as I said it, my shoulders relaxed, instinctively knowing it was the right choice. Logan’s overall personality was dark by nature, I knew, but this particular aspect of Logan was one I actually enjoyed. I found his dominance in the bedroom was absolutely titillating. I often figured that was why that fucked up part of me was able to forgive him for kidnapping me and tying me to a bed. A part of me enjoyed the chase. And the capture.
“Are you asking or telling me?”
“Not a question, Sir. It’s just that I’m on my period.” I clarified.
“Has that ever stopped me before?” He growled.
“No, sir.” He had never once cared about a little bit of blood.
“Then what should you be doing?” He cocked an eyebrow and tipped his chin toward me.
“Assuming the position.”
Good girl.” Logan offered a sinfully sexy smile, and I couldn’t help feeling a flush of pleasure.
I flipped over and pushed my face into the pillows with my ass raised up for him. I flinched when Logan’s hands pulled up my dress and he growled.
“Clearly you need this more than I thought.” After pulling my panties off, he removed my tampon chucking it without a care.
I wasn’t sure what he meant until Logan’s hand landed hard on my left buttock. I was so surprised that I couldn’t do anything but lie still and take the following hit as well. What the fuck? I knew he had threatened it, but I hadn’t actually expected him to punish me like a fucking child.
The pain became more intense with each smack, and I was afraid as I was aroused. My skin burned, and moisture seeped between my thighs. Fuck, if I’m not dripping for him as he hurt me. I wasn’t sure what to think anymore. How fucked up was my brain?
“You’re soaked,” he snarled from behind me. “But do you really think you deserve a reward? Think about your behavior all night. Not wearing a bra beneath your dress, that trick you pulled on Joseph and me, the scene you created at the restaurant? And those are only a few of the infractions I saw.”
I could get into this. As long as he wasn’t punishing me for the way I’d treated him since I left the hospital, it was fine. Tonight, that I could understand, but everything before tonight was warranted.
“I’m sorry,” I offered. “You’re right, this evening was my fault. I shouldn’t have started anything. We could’ve had a nice outing.” I hung my head, hoping it showed my contrition.
“Hm. You’re saying all the right words, but this wet cunt of yours tells me that you aren’t a bit sorry for your actions. I guess that leaves it up to me to make sure you’re sorry.”
He resumed spanking me. Hard.
What the fuck did he want from me? I apologized, didn’t I? “I am sorry,” I cried as I tried to squirm away from his heavy hand. “Stop! Please! I said I was sorry!”
Logan flipped me over and jerked my dress up my body, I thought to wrench it off, but instead twisted the fabric around my wrists and tangled my hands in the bunched material. While he restrained my bound arms above my head, he smacked my pussy as hard as he could with the other. I bucked my hips off the bed as I screeched in pain.