Page 31 of Cold Salvation
“Wait, what? No!” Logan snapped, shaking out his hand like he was agitated.
I didn’t believe him. How could I after what he just did with the door? “Right, well I want to know why the fuck you can’t control your woman.”
Logan took a menacing step towards me. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Like he scared me. “She came by the shop wearing the sexiest summer dress with no fucking underwear. When I dragged her ass into my office, she tried to fuck me. What? Aren’t you keeping her satisfied?” I sneered, jealousy riding me hard at the thought that Logan only wanted Hana.
“I can fucking satisfy her,” Logan growled.
I gave him a look up and down his body slowly. “Sure you can.”
“Are you saying I can’t?”
I didn’t know what was on my mind at this moment. All I knew was that I wanted to make him lose control. “Well, you couldn’t really satisfy me, so I’m starting to doubt your prowess.”
Logan stalked me. I moved backwards, and inhaled sharply when my back unexpectedly hit a wall. His eyes mesmerized me. Surely, he would stick his cock in my mouth forcing me to gulp down his seed. But that wasn’t what happened. Not at all.
Slowly, ever so slowly, without taking his eyes off of me, Logan sank to his knees. My heart trembled. What fucking game was he playing at? He took a deep breath, gathering up his courage, before undoing my pants.
Many didn’t care about getting their partner off, I’ve found. I sucked in a shocked gasp when my erection sprung free, and Logan took me down without releasing my eyes. Holy fuck, his mouth was hot.
He ran his hands up and down my thighs gripping my ass and pushing my hips closer so he could swallow me deeper.
“Oh, fuck yes.” I cried out, banging my head against the wall. Logan moaned and the vibrations against my cock almost had me blowing my load. I looked back down and saw his eyes twinkling with mirth. Fuck no. If he wanted to play, I could play, just more roughly.
I grabbed the back of his head and slowly forced him further onto my cock, touching that dangly thing in the back of his throat. What did people call that? Fuck if I could remember the name now.
Logan swallowed me down deeper and deeper until— “I’m going to fucking come,” I growled.
Logan hummed and my balls swelled. Lightning ran up my spine. I let out a loud roar. My eyes crossed and I swore for a minute I was blind. Fuck, that mouth.
I pulled away as soon as I could get my bearings. I was pleased when a little of my cum mixed with saliva dribbled out the side of his mouth. Fuck, Logan looked cum-drunk, and I wished that I could make him feel like this all the time, but I knew it wouldn’t last. It never did.
He got off his knees and went to grab a tissue off his desk. He didn’t say anything to me, just lightly cleaned up around his mouth.
I didn’t know what I was going to say, but Logan cut me off swiftly before the nonwords could pass my lips.
“That should show you exactly what I’m working with.” He smirked over his shoulder.
Just like that a bucket of cold water was thrown over me. I instantly went from hot to cold. Of course, he was just showing me that he could bring pleasure to anyone—man or woman. The arrogant asshole only did it to prove a point, not because he wanted to be with me. No fucking way in hell.
I squared my shoulders and shot him what I hoped was a menacing glare and not some kind of sad sappy look. “I’m not Hana, ass-wipe. You may want to brush your teeth before showing her your prowess. Unless, you want her to taste my cum on your lips.” I shot him a smirk of my own when I saw his smile dim.
“Get the fuck out,” he growled.
“Gladly,” I spat.
I whirled around and left as quickly as I came. Fuck this and Fuck Logan Cartwright. He didn’t deserve me, and he damn sure didn’t deserve Hana. I was only sticking around for her. Not myself. Not my aching heart.
I headed home, not feeling up to spending time at the garage. I wished I had someone to talk to. I would usually confide in Hana, but since this was a matter of my heart, I couldn’t. It had been a long time since I let myself obsess over Hana. Now, I was obsessing over both her and her snarly husband.
My best friend’s husband. The girl I loved who would never love me back. I was in love with both of them, and they were too stubborn to realize it. Did Hana think I loved her? Yes, but as a brother, a friend, a fuck buddy. She didn’t know that every time she walked into a room wearing one of my t-shirts, I imagined fucking every hole she had then making her something to eat before cuddling in front of the television for the rest of our lives.
When she’d bent over in my office to pick up the items she’d tossed to the floor, I had thought of sliding my cock into her ass. I knew from her complaining that she loved anal but hated men who were obsessed with having it. It wasn’t my fault she had a perfect ass. I just wanted to lift her up by it and fuck her slowly on my cock. But my fantasies didn’t stop there.
Oh no, I wanted to take Logan in the ass too. I wanted to shove a sock in his mouth and slap some tape over it and force my cock deep inside of his ass. I wanted it to hurt, like how I hurt over the years pining after him. Maybe that made me a bad person. Maybe that meant I was headed for hell. But what a good way to go.
I opened the door and sniffed the air. A candle was burning. One of the good ones I bought on sale after last year’s holidays. Hana was home, and she was apparently in a Susie-homemaker kind of mood.