Page 35 of Cold Salvation
“Up you go, little Hana,” Logan murmured as he hoisted me up to my feet.
The world around me felt hazy, like I was a floating spirit that existed among the living. I wasn’t sure what was real and what was imagined anymore. But I did know I felt protected with the two of them when we were together. Joseph was my buffer. He was my best friend. He loved me and he was here to make sure that Logan didn’t take anything too far.
Alone, though, I had no one to protect me from Logan’s jealous and possessive ways. True, Joseph could be possessive and jealous, as well. Birds of a feather and all of that. But Joseph treated me like I was made of spun glass. It was something my soul needed right now. Kindness. Gentleness.
A knock at the door stopped us in our tracks. As a unit, we turned and looked into the narrow hall, I hoped whoever it was would simply go away. I didn’t want to deal with anyone else today. I had reached my people quota.
“Who could that be?” Joseph whispered to me.
“Well, it’s not for me,” I hissed back. “So if it isn’t for you, then we don’t need to answer it.”
The pounding on the door grew harder and more frantic. We looked around. Personally, I thought hiding was a good way to go, if only to make the unwanted guest think no one was here.
“I’ll answer it,” Logan muttered. “Maybe they’ll take one look at this mug and leave.”
“Why? ‘Cuz you're black?” Joseph scoffed. “Yeah, right. Knowing the women in this area, and even some men, they’d see you and start taking off their clothes, hoping you’ll fuck them nine ways to Sunday.”
“Only nine?” I piled on. “Must be slipping.” I tsked my tongue, holding in the laugh that wanted to spill.
Logan walked down the short hallway and opened the door wide, so whoever was on the other side could see us. Petty.
“I knew you were in here.” Bethany gasped, pushing her way around Logan into the apartment.
“Now, it’s a party.” I mumbled.
“Yay,” Joseph said sarcastically.
“What are you doing here, Bethany?” Logan hadn’t closed the door yet. My guess was that he was going to send her away as soon as humanly possible.
“Where have you been?” Bethany frantically looked around, and we all glanced at her in confusion. “I’ve been looking for you all day,” she continued. “You won’t answer your phone. You won’t come into the office when I’m there. So, I had to hunt you down at your flat, and you weren’t fucking there either!” She’s not screeching, holding her stomach in place.
“Why are you looking for Logan, Bethany?” I tried to keep a civil tone but looking at this bitch made me angry.
“Not that it’s any of your business, but I have to tell him something important.” She sniffed, lifting her nose in the air.
“And what, pray tell, would that be?” Joseph asked in a mocking British accent.
Joseph just loved being theatrical from time to time and using language no one would ever use. Probably had to do with all those Victorian era romance novels he hid on his phone.
“I’m pregnant and it’s his.” Bethany pointed at Logan, then smirked at all of us like she’d won some kind of contest.
All the air was sucked out of the room as Joseph and I looked to Logan. I stepped back shaking my head no. It wasdeja vu.He couldn’t…he wouldn’t. It’s not possible. I heard her tell Luke she was pregnant with his baby.
“See, I had initially thought it was Luke’s baby, but when the doctor confirmed how far along I was, I realized it had to be Logan’s—”
“Lies!” Logan stalked towards her, and she scrambled backward, fear shining in her eyes. “I haven’t touched you in years.”
I gasped, shocked that he would sleep with her in the first place. Why the fuck would he? They both slept with her. They both slept with me. Was this all some kind of fucked up twin game? It wasn’t just me. I wasn’t special at all. I was just one of the many toys these twins fought over.
I spun around to leave Logan and his lover alone. Like I said, I was done with this day. I was done with people. I just wanted to sleep and wake up tomorrow, hoping this has all been some fucked up nightmare.
Maybe, I would wake up in my childhood bedroom withEomma’scooking in the air. Or I could relive the day that I moved here and, rather than calling Joseph for help, I instead called a tow truck. There was something about me that just screamed victim, I guess. Something that made these individuals seek me out to do harm.
“What was it you said, Jojo? If the dick is trash, then why am I still with him?” I whispered.
The sounds of Logan and Bethany arguing back and forth were so loud I wasn’t sure he heard me until I saw the stricken look on his face.
“I need some space,” I declared. “I’m headed over to my mother’s place.” This was not up for debate, and the guys knew it.