Page 41 of Cold Salvation
Chapter Eighteen
I was hiding in my childhood bedroom. It wasn’t just that Logan may have knocked up Bethany either. I didn’t believe a word that woman said. She was the one telling Luke that the baby was his. Now, all of a sudden it was Logan’s? It didn’t add up, and my gut was telling me that she was lying her ass off. So, why did I run?
If I were being honest with myself, it had nothing to do with Bethany and everything to do with my current relationships. For one, I needed space to think. Plus, I thought if I left, it would give Logan and Joseph time alone. I had hoped Logan would toss Bethany out on her plump ass and that he and Joseph would have a heart-to-heart.
Don’t get me wrong. I understood that men weren’t like women. There would probably be a ton of grunting rather than an outright pouring of feelings. While Joseph and I gabbed like girlfriends, when he was around other men, he was more silent. He watched his surroundings rather than speaking. When he did speak, it was only because he had something imperative to say.
So no, I didn’t think they shared their feelings in the traditional sense. I just couldn’t take any more hostility between them. We had lost too much this year. The underlying tones of residual feelings needed to be cleared up if we wanted to move on. I wanted us all to grow as not only people, but a threesome.
There would be times that I needed Joseph to myself. There would also be times that I needed my husband to myself. We could all be together one day. As soon as they found time to be alone without me.
The house phone rang and I rolled over on my bed to grab it from the side-table. My stomach was so full I could burst.Eommalaid one eye on me and complained I was too skinny. She laid a feast out every meal. Even though I had showed up on her doorstep, shocked and alone, she hadn’t asked any questions. Which was good, because I didn’t have the answers. My mom pulled me in for a hug. I felt safe.
Silence meets my greeting.
“Hello, who is this?”
I felt like the dumb girl in the horror movie who called out to the potential killer in her house.
“Hello? If you don’t say something, I'm hanging up.”
Heavy breathing ensued.
“Hello?” I tried again.
“Haaannnnaaaa.” A haunting voice wailed through the receiver.
“Who is this?”
“You’ve been a bad little bitch, Hana. I’m coming for you.”Click.
The caller hung up, and I shuddered as I looked at the old-fashioned receiver. I was sure my parents were the only ones left in the world who still had a landline. How would a prank-calling troll even get this number?
Fuck. I couldn’t tell if the voice was a man or a woman. Whoever they were, I was terrified. Hadn’t I been through enough? Now, someone was trying to scare me.
No! I wouldn’t let them, I vowed. I wouldn’t allow another to take what little peace remained in my life. I’d had enough with Luke. I had been traumatized. I deserved to heal.
Feeling icky, I decided to shower, as if the water could wash away the evil I felt from the mysterious call.
As I scrubbed my skin, I thought back on the men I loved and how they were at odds with each other. It was a dangerous game I was playing, I knew. I was essentially using their affections for me to force them to have affections for each other.
But are you?
The tiny voice of doubt rang in my mind. Was I truly playing a game? It wouldn’t work if they felt nothing for each other.
I got out of the shower and dressed quickly, hearing my mom calling for me to come eat again. I headed down the stairs braiding my hair as I went.Eommawas standing at the base of the stairs waiting for me.
“Want something to eat?”
We headed into the kitchen side by side where I could already smellKimchi-jjigae. A Korean Kimchi stew that comforted me when I was a child. Even without asking questions,Eommaknew I needed comfort.
I walked around the kitchen island and gaveOppaa hug good morning.
MyOppahad jet black hair like me except it grayed around the temples. “What’s this I hear about you being with Joseph?” he grumbled, sounding pleased.