Page 5 of Cold Salvation
“Look, now isn’t the best time. I need to get back to Hana. It’s been months. Maybe you need to see a counselor or something.”
Bethany scoffed, and a fire fueled by rage behind her eyes. “Why? She didn’t even love Luke. Nor did he care about her. What? Is she grieving for him? Playing the victim once again?”
I held my temper in check. It wouldn’t do to punch Bethany in her face in public. But I didn’t like what she was insinuating about my Hana. “She lost a child,” I hissed. “What the fuck is the matter with you?”
Bethany gasped, her hand going to her stomach. “Hana was pregnant?”
“It’s none of your business.” I told her and tried to move around her.
Bethany stepped into my space. “Was it Luke’s? Or was it Logan’s? Or did she whore herself out to someone else?”
A loud smacking sound rang out through the parking lot and Bethany’s head jolted to the side as she stumbled. Mrs. Lee slapped her across the face.
“Why are you talking bad about my Hana? My Hana’s a good girl.” Mama Lee's normally jovial face scrunched up in anger. “It’syouwho’s bad. You stay away frommyJosephandHana. You aren’t welcome around them anymore.”
Bethany didn’t say anything else. She spun around and ran away.
Mama Lee turned to me. “Do you know that woman?”
“I just know she worked at AiCart as a secretary, in the office with Luke and Hana.” I was surprised at the level of violence Mama Lee just displayed.
“You keep an eye out for her. I don’t want her bothering my Hana.” Mama Lee patted my arm and made her way back to her car.
What an awful day.I couldn’t help thinking just how bad life had gotten as I loaded the groceries in the car. I headed toward the apartment, thinking about what I could do to make Hana more comfortable. Maybe we should move. Or I could close the shop and take her on a trip.She needed an escape.
Ever since she’d come home, she’d been hit with one blow after another. Every time she felt like herself, she got some bad news from her doctors. Each check-up seemed to break her more and more. I wanted to help, but I was at my wits’ end.
Finally, back home, I carried all the groceries in my arms. One trip. I didn’t want to be away from Hana any longer than I had been. I put the cold and frozen food away, leaving the rest on the counter tops. It was time to check on her.
I knocked on her door. “Hana? It’s me, can I come in?”
No answer.
I tried again, louder, “Hana, if you don’t answer, I’m coming in.”
Still nothing.
I opened her door and was hit with a stagnant smell, like the room had been sealed off for months. She wasn’t on the bed where I’d left her before I ran out to get food. Fuck.
There was a small noise coming from the bathroom. I spun around and headed that way hoping she was in there. This time I didn’t knock. What if she had hurt herself?
It was worse than that.
I opened the door to reveal a naked Hana in the tub with a washcloth over her face to muffle her heart wrenching sobs. “Oh, Hana-Banana.” This was bad. I couldn’t even take in the beauty of her naked body. Now was not the time for that.
I stripped down to my boxers and got into the bath with her. If she was going to cry, she wasn’t going to cry alone. It was a tight fit. I was huge, and the bathtub was really small in comparison. I had to lift Hana up until she was sitting in my lap. She brushed against my dick, and it instantly hardened, making me the biggest asshole on the face of the fucking planet.
“Shh, it’s okay, Hana. Just let it all out. I’m here now.” I rubbed her shoulders hoping it gave her some kind of comfort.
“I miss him s-s-so much,” she hiccupped.
“The baby?” I didn’t understand. How did she know they were having a boy?
“No,” she cried, splashing water everywhere as she moved around on my lap trying to get comfortable. “Logan!”
My world stopped at that confession. “Do you even hear yourself right now?” I couldn’t believe she was even thinking about him. He wasn’t worth her time. He was the very definition of crazy. Hana obviously didn’t know how to pick the right man for her. That’s why she needed me.
“You don’t get to sit here and judge me,” she cried. “Is it so wrong that I miss my husband?”