Page 9 of Cold Salvation
I felt different this morning. I felt hard. I felt ready to wake up from this nightmare and reclaim my life. Reclaim what was mine. Why the fuck should I head into the office when my wife was upstairs sleeping in another man’s bed?
I replayed the conversation that I had with Joseph the day prior. He’d called me pathetic. Said she was better off without me. Said that neither of us were good enough for her. Yet, he’s doing my job—my husbandly duty—living the life I should be living with my wife under the guise of her “best” friend.
I didn’t care that they were best friends. I didn’t care that Joseph loved both men and women. I didn’t care that he was in her life before me. Hana’smywife. It was time I took her back.
With these thoughts running rampant through my mind, I dressed casually and marched up the stairs to their apartment. The sun had barely crested the horizon, and most of the building was still asleep. I moved silently, my steps light and quick. Joseph always forgot to lock the door, so I was not surprised when the doorknob moved beneath my fingers.
I let myself in.
The apartment was dark. Neither one of them were awake yet. I beelined to Hana’s bedroom, but found it empty.
Rage blanketed my mind, heating my face and stealing my breath, as if I were smothered. I felt suffocated. The sheer emotion of the betrayal robbed me of my breath as I stared at the abandoned bed. How dare he? We were best friends once too. How dare she? We were still married.
Did they really believe I would let either cast me aside so easily?
Not anymore.
Our time for “space” was over.
Fuck this shit.
I was about to kick open Joseph’s bedroom door when it opened on its own.
“Logan?” The door creaked open more and there Hana stood wearing nothing but his shirt.
It sure as hell wasn’t my shirt. It sure as hell wasn’t her shirt. Rage built within my veins. I could feel that dark monster who’d slain my brother without any remorse awakening, ready to take action against my longtime friend.
“I just want to talk to Joseph right now, my little Hana. Nothing to worry about,” I said through gritted teeth.
She crept a little closer. “I don’t like how angry you are right now.”
“I’m not angry at anyone, I’m mad at the situation.” I growled, hoping that she would take another step forward.
“It doesn’t seem like it. I’m scared, Logan. You’re acting a little…” she looked away.
“Crazy? Go on, you can say it. I’m crazy about you. Hana, you drive me wild. I just want you to come home, can you do that for me?” I tried to soften my tone. I wanted her to trust me. “I don’t care that you fucked Joseph.”
“But I didn’t sleep with him like that,” she admitted. “Nightmares. I’m just not right yet.” She was in reaching distance, coming toward me and closing the bedroom door behind her when she added, “I just need a little more time to work out—”
She squeaked as I wrapped an arm around her body and lifted her away from his room. She wanted Joseph so fucking badly? Thought he could give her the comfort she so desperately needed? He could protect her from my darkness, could he? Well, I was going to show her who the bigger alpha really was.
I stalked across the living room carrying Hana. She had lost entirely too much weight. It was like carrying air.
“Put me down! What the fuck are you doing? Joseph!” she cried, trying to beat her little fists into me.
I pushed her ass first onto the couch and snarled, “Never, ever call for another fucking man, or I’ll fucking kill him.” It was a vow I didn’t make lightly. I’d already killed my brother, my own flesh and blood. What was another fucking body?
I held Hana down and ripped the offending shirt from her, pulling back a snarl when I realized she was naked beneath except for her granny panties. Not even a tank top or bra? Nightmares be damned, this was not acceptable. I bet she got off on all this, sexy little tease driving men crazy for her hot figure. She wanted to lure Joseph in.
“This is what you left me for?” I asked. “You wanted to fuck our best friend, is that it?” I held my hand up to her throat. I didn’t squeeze, I just wanted to make a point. Was it my mind playing tricks on me or were my Hana’s nipples hard? “You like this? You like two men fighting over your cunt?”
I couldn’t lie. Having Hana in this position was arousing. It could easily stop being about her lying in Joseph’s bed and start being about my cock. How it hadn’t seen any action from her in a long time. I stripped off my jacket, ready to play.
She fought me when I began pulling her ugly underwear down.
“No,” she cried. “I’m on my period!”
I didn’t care that she was bleeding. What was a little blood amongst spouses? I ripped her bloody panties off and flung them to the side.