Page 1 of Tangled in Ivy
The barman scratches his long red beard, patiently waiting as I scan the cocktail menu. It's slim pickings at the "Thirsty Cavern," so I choose the safe option for the third time in a row.
"Vodka martini, please."
"Whatever the lady is having, and a Bud for me." A man waving a fifty drops onto the barstool beside mine.
I can’t believe he thinks being pushy will win me over. I glare at the stranger but he merely grins. This man is the third guy to try to hit on me tonight, and that is not what I’m here for.
I was disappointed when the airline grounded my flight due to an oncoming storm. The airline is paying for all passengers to stay in a hotel, so I'm just in this bar to pass the time.
I glance down at my unruly cleavage spilling out of the V-neck of my dress. The neckline is modest, but I'm curvy, and geez, my breasts look enormous from this angle. I wear this dress all the time back home, but no one pays attention in LA. It seems to be a different story here because I am inviting the wrong kind of attention.
I'd shout about my right to wear what I want at the top of my lungs if I thought it would work, but I won't get far with this crowd of rowdy drunks. I am not fair game, but maybe they think this dress says I am. I reach for a scarf from my purse, and although the bar is stuffy, I’d rather overheat than get myself in trouble.
In hindsight, I should have stayed at the airport bar, where I was safe among the old couples and parents with young children. I didn't leave home to get a job on the other side of the country if I was afraid to try something new. There's no fun in that. Although this trip is about being bold and trying new things, I will only do it when I’m good and ready.
"Thanks, but I'm already running a tab." I nod in the bartender's direction. My long ponytail swishes back and forth as I shake my head.
The man stares at my cleavage and wipes sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand.He begins talking about himself, but I stare past him to the dance floor. He's trying to speak to me over the top of the throbbing pulse of whatever the hell someone programmed into the jukebox.
"Can't hear you," I say, pointing to my ear in a not-so-subtle move.
I sigh when the man lopes away, relieved he’s taking the sour stench of warm draft beer with him. With my attention focused on the dance floor, a different man sidles up on the other side of me without me noticing.
"Typical." His deep voice pierces my thoughts. "That was the third guy to fail the test."
I spin around, glance up, meet his bright green eyes, and do my best not to show my surprise when electricity shoots up my spine."What test?"
"The apathy test."
He leans back and puts his hands on top of his head, looking for all the world like he's at home, watching TV, but he's been watching me.
"Go on." My heart picks up speed.He is the only man whose eyes have not dipped to my chest.
"When a guy hits on you, and you're not interested, you don't answer his questions. But you're too nice to reject him flat-out. Am I right?"
I give a cautious nod and sip my drink.I'm myself, not playing games, but curiosity gets the better of me, and I lean closer to hear what he's saying.
"So you give him the cold shoulder and watch him try harder and harder to prove why you should talk to him. He thinks he's winning you over, but he's only proving he lacks self-confidence. It puts you off, and he walks away nine times out of ten."
"Yeah, but what's wrong with that?" Personally, I think they are taking liberties, but I’m curious to find out what his angle is.
"Nothing." He shrugs and glances at the TV screen above the bar, checking out the sports scores. "A beautiful woman will always get hit on, but she needs a confident man who can handle being around that kind of attention."
A blush creeps over my cheeks, and I dip my gaze.
"Don't argue about the beautiful woman bit," he says in a no-nonsense tone. "You're gorgeous, and every guy in this bar is staring at you."
He wears a wide, toothy smile and his friendly demeanor encourages eye contact. Even though his gaze burns me up inside, I cannot look away.Beautiful?
"Okay, but I’m not here to pick up a guy, but what should I do if I meet someone I like?”
He beams, and I can't help but mimic the smile he's giving me.