Page 14 of Tangled in Ivy
She rolls her eyes.
"Come on, Ivy. Let me help. I have a car, and you need a ride. It's a simple equation."
She flips her hair over her shoulder, and a fresh wave of desire floods my system when I catch her scent.
The smile disappears off her face. "Easton, nothing is simple when it comes to you."
I deserve that, but I need to come up with something fast because I cannot let her go."I swear, my reasons have nothing to do with you."
She tilts her head. "Sure."
I need to win her trust differently. Tentatively, I cup her face. Her eyes shift nervously, and I drop my hand.
I take a deep breath, trying to keep my cool, but the way she stands there, shoulders back and chin held high, creates a spark of heat and desire in me.
"I had my reasons, and if you take the ride, I can tell you why."
The thought of spending time with her again has my heart thundering with anticipation.
"You were a real gentleman; you didn't take advantage of me," Ivy says, her mouth curling into a half-smile. "Even though I wanted you to."
"Believe me, I wanted to. Desperately,"I reply, my voice low and hoarse. My pulse races as I search Ivy's gaze, hoping she senses how much I want this.
"Easton, I appreciate the offer, but it's a two-day trip from here." She looks away, a blush creeping up her neck.
"We're traveling to the same place, and I have time." I can’t hide how I feel, but what should I do about it? Beg her to drop her career, and follow me and my crazy assed, dangerous job into the wilderness? How is that fair to her and her needs?
"I don't want you to go out of your way." She seems determined to come up with every excuse under the sun. The only thing I can do is remain persistent.
My parents raised me to put others first. She's determined to follow her path, and I will not stop her. The best I can do is keep her safe and be there when she needs me."I didn't leave you last night, and I'm not leaving you today. So get it through your thick head. You're coming with me."
"Bossy, much?" She huffs through gritted teeth and crosses her arms over her chest. The look on her face is priceless. It's a mixture of desire and nervousness.
"How about we do a deal?" I say, standing back and shifting focus to brushing an imaginary speck of dust on my jeans.
"What kind of deal?" Her gaze travels over my face.
"I'll drive you to where you're going, but I need to do a brief pitstop at my brother's place on the way."
My offer seems to throw her off, but she pauses and considers the option."I could always stay at the airport hotel and try for a car again tomorrow. There may be a cancellation, and who knows? Maybe my luggage will turn up."
Ivy shoots me a mischievous look and moves closer, her lips twitching into a playful grin. She's toying with me.
"You know you can trust me, so let me help." I don't need to mention what happened at the bar last night. It's written all over her face. "Besides, it will be my pleasure," I say with a wink and a smile, trying to be reassuring. Judging by how she is looking at me, it isn't working.
"Pleasure?" Her eyebrows reach her forehead. "Over my dead body."
She lifts her pert nose and struts towards the parking lot, which I take means yes.
Her generous hips swing side to side, tempting me, so I glance at the overhead signs to avoid staring at forbidden fruit.
Easton's behavior is frustrating. I was determined to put him in the past, but heat and desire flood my system when I see him. Spending two days in a car with him will probably drive me crazy.
But he is also protective, and I will be safe with him.
I've never met a serial killer, but I've watched enough documentaries to know that the killer is often charming. You would never guess they were up to no good.