Page 44 of Bad Nanny
I stepped over to the coffee machine and prepared a couple cups of espresso.
“Up,” I said, my tone more “irritated older brother” than “boss,” though at that moment, I was both.
He slowly rose, buttoning his suit jacket as he did.
“I want to hear good news,” I said, my eyes on the cups as dark, steaming liquid poured within. “And no excuses.”
“You think I’d come here if I didn’t have good news?” he asked.
Scott stepped to my side, and I handed him one of the cups.
“I’d like to think so. But lately you’ve been giving me nothing but more problems to worry about.”
He sipped his espresso, going over to the window and looking out over the city.
“What, like record profits?”
“Like not closing down the division after I’d told you time and time again. Scott, this is getting to the point where it’s beyond stubbornness. I’m beginning to wonder if I have a disobedient employee on my hands.”
His expression tightened, and I could tell that he didn’t care to be referred to as a mere “employee.” But I didn’t mind pulling rank. He worked for me—not the other way around.
“I know. And the reason I wanted to come here and talk to you in person was to say…I’m sorry.”
Now this was a surprise. “You’re sorry?”
He tossed back the rest of his coffee and set his cup down on my desk before taking a seat on the corner.
“I’m sorry. I’ve been doing some thinking about what we’ve discussed, and how much of a pain in the ass I’ve been.”
I was so stunned I didn’t bother to drink. “Go on.”
“My division’s been making some serious money. And part of me thinks you’re crazy for not letting me continue to run the company the way Dad wanted it.”
I said nothing, letting him go on.
“But…I realized that Dad knew what kind of man you were before he decided to give you the CEO position. And we both know how sharp the old man was. If he didn’t think you’d do something like this, he wouldn’t have passed the company to you instead of me. Maybe…I don’t know. Maybe him giving you the company was his way of putting a stop to what he’d built.”
I continued to regard him.
“But none of that matters. You’re the boss. You say to shut things down, and that’s what I’m going to do.”
“Just like that?”
“Not ‘just like that.’ I’ve been doing some thinking, and…this might be our chance to make things right.”
“And what about Anton?”
“Anton’s part of the old guard. He’s stubborn—you and I both know that. He’s stubborn like Dad was, but he’s smart enough to see which way the wind is blowing. You and I present a united front, and we’ll be able to talk him down. I’m sure of it.”
I crossed my arms, still coming to terms with what I was hearing. “So…you’re on board? You close down the last division and figure out what to do with Anton after?”
“That’s right.”
“You’re serious about this?”
He smirked. “Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my…you know the rest. But seriously, Jason—I’m ready. Had to swallow my pride, but I’m ready.”
I wasn’t totally sold. But he was saying what I wanted to hear. I made a mental note to keep an eye on him and make sure he was as good as his word.