Page 65 of Bad Nanny
“And why would that be a problem?”
“Come on, Jason. You know how snooty some of these types can be, not able to pass up a chance to look down their noses at someone.”
“You really think they’d try something like that with me?”
“That’s right—we’re untouchable. But you’re the one who wants to change all that.”
I cocked my head to the side. “Does that mean you’re having second thoughts?”
He quickly composed himself. “No, not at all. But it’s true—our family enjoys a privileged position because of who were are. When we become just another financial firm, all of that’s going to change.”
I glanced around, making sure no one was listening in. “Right, and we also won’t have to worry about threats, arrests, scheming up-and-comers…”
“I know, I know. Just making sure you know what the costs are of all of this.”
“I know what the costs of our lifestyle are. And you know I’ve already paid them.”
His mouth formed into a flat line. He knew not to push the matter any further.
“I get it.”
“I’m sure you do.”
A beat of silence passed.
“Anyway,” he went on. “I wanted to let you know that all’s proceeding as you’ve asked. I’ve been meeting with some of the lower-rung men, getting them ready for the transition.”
“What’s the plan, then? Just going to cut them loose?”
“They work in ‘alternative business,’ Jason. We can’t exactly fire them. The best we can do is cut ties with their operations. Unless you want to meet with them personally and see if you can get them on the straight and narrow.”
I sipped my drink, considering his words. He was right—it was the only option in a bad situation.
“And what about Anton?”
“Anton’s still in the dark. I’ve sworn the men to secrecy. Plan is to get everything in order so by the time we break the news to him, there’s nothing he can do.”
“He’s not going to like it. Not one bit.”
“No doubt. But if we’ve got him by the balls, he won’t be able to do anything but complain.”
“Then that’s that. And you trust the guys in the lower levels to keep this a secret?”
“Sure. We’ll keep them paid until it’s time to cut them loose. I’ll have it done by the end of the month. Like I said.”
“End of the month,” I said.
“I’ll keep you posted.”
I put my hand on Scott’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Thanks, Scott. I appreciate you finally coming around on this.”
“Yeah. You’re the boss, right?”
With that, I left Scott on the balcony and headed back inside. Once there, I scanned the ballroom for April. But I couldn’t spot her anywhere.
I made a pass through the place, finally laying eyes on her outside on the first level balcony. She stood, drink in hand, leaning against the railings, facing the city. New York glittered before her, the lights of the city outlining her gorgeous figure.
Beautiful. No other word for it.
I prepared to go out to greet her, but as I did a trio of women approached, forming up around her. April turned to face them.
Something was up. I stepped out onto the balcony, blending in with the crowd gathered there and positioning myself near enough to April to hear the conversation about to take place.
The plan was to join her. But first, I wanted to see just how well my date could handle herself.