Page 74 of Bad Nanny
Iwasn’t sure what I was expecting that next morning. Really, I’d gotten so wrapped up in everything that I hadn’t given it much thought.
I’d known it was a bad idea. You don’t just sleep with your boss and have things be all normal the next day. I mean, not like I’d ever done it before, or even wanted to, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out that it would make things messy.
But I didn’t expect to wake up alone.
My eyes opened slowly, a warm, happy feeling flowing through me—a perfect night’s sleep combined with some leftover afterglow that only good sex could give you. And the sex hadn’t just been good—it’d been the best of my life.
Then again, I wasn’t the most experienced person in that department. I could count the number of guys I’d slept with on one hand—and I wouldn’t even be using all the fingers.
Sunlight poured into Jason’s bedroom, the room alone almost bigger than my entire apartment. The view looked out over the Hudson River, the towers of Jersey City glittering with the light. It was amazing, the type of bedroom I’d always fantasized about.
I rolled over, letting my arm drop down where Jason had been. But instead of my hand falling onto a hard, sculpted chest, it fell down onto…nothing. He was gone.
I sat up, a tinge of panic running through me. I scanned the bedroom, looking for any trace of him. But he wasn’t there.
OK, don’t freak out. It’s his house—only so far he could go if he were to flee to scene.
The moment I finally calmed down, I heard the soft rushing of water from behind a nearby door. It had to be him in the shower. I sat up and spotted my bra and panties on the floor. I snatched them up and put them on. The gown I’d worn last night, the one I’d let drop to the ground in a heap, was hung up on the bedroom door.
Right at the moment I hooked the clasp behind my back, the water shut off. My heart rate quickened as I realized Jason would be coming out at any moment, and whatever awkwardness would happen was about to go down.
I took a few breaths, trying to calm myself. Then the door opened, and there he was.
Jason wore nothing but a fluffy, white towel around his waist, just below the sculpted notches of his hips. Water sheened his upper body, giving his already mouthwatering muscles an even more appealing look. My pussy clenched at the sight of him.
God, why did he have to be so fucking hot? Not being able to think straight made an already complicated situation even more difficult to wrap my head around. One part of me wanted to sit him down and have a serious conversation, but the other part wanted to spring from the bed, rip that towel off his body, and go for round two.
He latched those stunning blue eyes onto me, his blond hair hanging over his forehead. Jason looked so good I wanted to scream. And the fact that I could make out the lines of his cock through the towel didn’t help matters in the slightest.
“Good morning,” he said.
“Morning,” I replied, my voice sleepy.
Another tinge of panic ran through me—Willa. Was she home? I scanned the room frantically, looking for a clock.
“It’s a little after eight,” he said. “Willa won’t be home until nine. So, it’s probably a good idea for you to get moving.”
“Right. We don’t need her asking questions about why I’m coming out of your bedroom wearing the same clothes as last night.”
He nodded tersely, and I got the impression he wasn’t pleased with how I’d phrased that—it was too real of a scenario.
Jason went to his dresser and fished out a pair of boxer-briefs, putting them on under his towel. Once they were on, he let the towel drop, giving me a full view of his body before he put on a white T-shirt and a pair of jeans. Then he took out another shirt, this one black, along with a pair of sweatpants, setting them both on the bed next to me.
“Something to wear. Figured putting the dress back on would be a little much—as great as you looked in it.”
I allowed myself a small smile at his compliment. But then silence passed. I slipped on the shirt and sweatpants, and when I did, Jason leaned against the edge of his dresser, crossing his thick arms over his chest.
“Last night.”
“Last night,” I echoed.
“I think it goes without saying that it was…not a good idea.”
“And it also goes without saying that it shouldn’t happen again. I assume I don’t need to get into the reasons why.”