Page 6 of The Devil In My Arms
“Yeah, I think so—”
A hard bang on the other side of the fence cuts her off. It’s followed by a half dozen more impacts.
“Is that the Nayk?”
“No, it’s my luggage,” she groans. “It was set to follow mode, but the hover circuits are maxed out at four feet. Oh, the Nayk are going to trample all my stuff.”
“Not if I can help it.”
I jump back up and grab the top of the fence, and drop to the other side. I grab her closest suitcase and toss it into the air, sending it to sail over the fence. I repeat the process as the Nayk stampede mere inches away from me.
They’re a lot more agile than they look. Most of them move to avoid me. But one of them seems unwilling or unable to slow down or veer. I turn to it and brace myself.
The Nayk crashes into me. I grab its horns and plant my feet, leaning my full weight into it. It pushes me a dozen feet down the highway, until it comes to a stop.
“Good boy,” I say, patting it on the head.
The ungrateful beast bleats and gives me the stink eye. Next time I’ll just rip its head off.
Now, to see the lovely young human woman, and who knows? Maybe I’ll get her comm pad digits, too.
It never hurts to dream big.
Ishriek as my luggage goes flying over the wall. Fortunately, the smart follow tech includes top notch collision detection software. The suitcases don’t hit me, but stop a few inches away. It still scares the heck out of me, though.
I can scarcely fathom what’s happened to me. My attempt at a shortcut has resulted in my nearly being trampled by a freaking stampede.
I was saved by a seven foot tall, red scaled alien with shark teeth.
An alien devil.
A Vakutan unless I’m mistaken. Not only did he save me, he saved my luggage as well.
Only, did he pay the ultimate price for helping me?
A moment later I have my answer, as the big Vakutan leaps back over the fence with ease that belies his bulk…and makes me envious. If I could have done that I wouldn’t have needed saving in the first place.
He stands up and dusts himself off, then turns his smile on me again. Oddly enough, now that I’m expecting it, his smile is kind of charming. It makes him look less like the giant, deadly alien warrior he is.
“Did I get all of your luggage?” he asks.
I’m sort of star struck, staring at him. His body is impressive, muscles straining at the confines of his rugged frontier clothing. He doesn’t have a Star Alliance military uniform, so he’s either off duty or not a soldier. I wonder what his job is here on New Verdan, and if I’m likely to run into him on a regular basis.
I kind of like the idea of running into him on a regular basis.
I shake my head and regain my senses.
“Yes, you got it all, thank you.” I smile at him, and get that fluttery feeling in my stomach. God, I feel like a schoolgirl again. “And the names’ not Miss. It’s Olivia.”
“Nice to meet you, Olivia,” he says, offering his hand for a shake. “I’m Yarvok. Welcome to New Verdan.”
I laugh, and gesture at the livestock fence.