Page 18 of Big Mountain Man
His left eyebrow twitched up a little, but he didn’t move.
“Later, princess.”
“Mm, promises, promises.” I stood up straight.
“I’ll get the decorations from the attic,” he mumbled, but I saw the bulge in his pants as he turned away from me
He wasn’t as oblivious as he pretended, yet he was playing a game but staying away, teasing me. That only made me want him more.
A few minutes later, he came back in and set the box of decorations on the couch. The tree went in the bucket with some large rocks at the base to hold it in place. I went to fetch water to place in the bottom of the bucket, then admired the tree.
“I think we can cut a few of these branches, shape it up a little, and it’ll be perfect.
“There are scissors in the drawer of my desk over there. They should be strong enough.” He gestured at the desk while pulling out garland and tinsel from the box. “I don’t know if these old bubble lights will work or not, but we can try.”
“Bubble lights?” I asked, distracted by the hunt for scissors. I found them and went over to look at what he was holding up. “Oh, those must be old.” I looked down at the liquid-filled glass with interest. “They look like candles.”
“Yeah, the bubbles make the lights kind of flicker, if I remember correctly.” Brick leaned over to plug the lights on, and all of them came on. “There we go. Those will work.”
“They’re so pretty,” I said, grabbing up the gold garland to examine it. The decoration that ran around the tree must have been expensive when it was new, it was quality stuff, much better than anything my parents ever used. There was still only a thin string running through it, but it would do.
“Hmm, let me see that,” Brick said as he reached for the garland. He let it stream through his hand and then looked up at me speculatively. “Come here.”
I did as he asked because, evidently, I was now at his mercy.
“Turn around,” he said, and I smiled, obeying him. “Take your shirt off.”
“Oh my,” I said, understanding that we were playing for real now. “What’s this?”
“Put your hands behind your back,” Brick said, a little more demanding.
I wasn’t afraid since he’d shown me nothing but gentleness up to this moment, so I played along, a tingle dancing at the apex of my thighs.
As he ran the rough texture of the plastic garland around and through my wrists, the back of his hands brushed against my bare ass. I shivered as his fingers moved against my skin but didn’t say anything. Standing, he ran the garland around my waist, then up over my shoulders. From there, he turned me so that I was facing him. I studied his serious face as he moved.
I was going to ask him what he planned next, but he tipped me back over one arm and sucked at my right nipple, then my left, until they were hard points, and I was squirming. “What are you doing?”
“You’ll see.” Letting me go, he tenderly twined the string around my nipples, one then the other.
My blood rushed in my veins, excitement chasing away the laughter as my nipples responded to the tight grip.
“Every inch of your body drives me crazy.”
“I can’t do anything about it, now can I?” I answered cheekily, pushing my breasts out, my hands still tied behind my back.
“No, I suppose you can’t.” He looked at me, then at what was left of the garland in one hand. “Stand still.”
I glanced up at him as he stepped close to me. The fingers on his left hand traced my lips as his right hand went to my breast, holding the weight in his hands. He’d introduced me to the idea that my whole breast was sensitive, that I liked having all of it touched. I thought it was only my nipples until last night. Now, I knew I didn’t know a lot about sex.
“I love how you touch me.” I sighed as he traced his other hand down my neck.
“I can’t get enough of touching you, Amelia. You have amazingly soft skin,” he said, guiding me back to the couch. “Sit.”
I smiled as I settled in, waiting for further instructions.
“You’re beautiful,” he said softly, but I heard him. Kneeling in front of me, he spread my closed knees with his hands. “Every inch of you is absolutely captivating.”
He came close, kissing me until I grew breathless. My hips jerked against him, my legs wrapping around his body as his hands came down to tilt my hips toward him. I was wild for him, and all he’d really done was kiss me, but he was close, so he didn’t really have to do anything. I wanted him that much.