Page 9 of Big Mountain Man
“I’m six foot eight,” I answered automatically, not surprised when I heard her gasp out awow.
“You must have a hard time finding clothes.”
“Yeah, that’s why you had to roll up the sweatpants I put you in last night. I have to order them from a website.” Which only made me remember taking her clothes off and touching her skin.
“Thanks for putting me in something clean,” she said faintly as if she wasn’t sure she should thank me at all.
“It was all I could do for you, really. To keep you warm and safe, I mean.” I moved on to assembling the sandwiches, then put one in front of her. I stood on the other side of the island to eat mine, not wanting to spook her any more than she already was.
I knew she was thinking about how she was stuck here with a giant of a man, a man she didn’t know, and it had to make her worry. I could tell her there was zero danger of me hurting her, but it wouldn’t matter.
Once we finished, I moved outside on the porch while she checked her phone. I felt awkward and strange, as though I’d never been around a woman before. Something about Amelia made me want to protect her, to find that douche who cheated on her and shove my fist into his face. That would make me feel better.
The porch creaked as she joined me, standing there wrapped in a blanket while the wind whistled, the snow coming down sideways now. I loved the cold; it didn’t bother me much.
“There’s not a lot to look at today, but when it’s not snowing, there’s a great view of the valley below,” I shared, lifting my chin to the left in the direction of the valley.
“Fingers crossed the snowstorm calms down. It’s funny how things turn out sometimes.”
“You have any friends you can stay with after the storm nearby?”
“No, that was part of life with Jason, my ex. He didn’t want me to have family or friends that might take my attention from him, so stupidly, I moved here with him.” Her laughter was strained as she tugged the blanket tightly around herself.
“He sounds like a real charmer.”
Things were adding up. The way she was nervous she was around me—although that could just be the situation—and how she seemed extra careful to keep things calm. It told me the prick had hurt her. Amelia looked away from me, staring into the snowy distance.
“We’ll find somewhere for you to go,” I had contacts who would help. I also decided that I’d pay her ex a visit to ensure he never left her alone for good.
“Thanks, I hope so.” Amelia wouldn’t look me in the eye, but it gave me time to study the knot on her forehead. It was purple and red now but would heal fine. I wanted to say something else but had no idea what. “I’ll get that wood in.”
“Cool,” she said, just as awkwardly.
I didn’t have a clue where she could go, but I’d have one of my guys set something up for her if that’s what it took.
I went out to gather the wood I’d chopped earlier. If I stayed busy, I wouldn’t think about those worried green eyes, those tempting pink lips, or the curves of her breasts that filled her bra nicely.
Reaching for a piece of split wood, I felt a splinter pierce the meaty part of my hand.
“Motherfucker,” I grunted and pulled my palm up to my face. I’d been so distracted by her beauty, I’d forgotten to put on my gloves.
She’d be a good fuck, I had no doubts about that, but I didn’t need her baggage. Even if she was an addiction I could get used to, she would just be a fuck. And I wasn’t sure of her mental state for only that.
Filling my arms with wood, the tapping of footsteps closing in had me lifting my head. Amelia rushed outside, her eyes wide with fear behind them.
What happened?” She gasped the words.
“It’s okay.” I shook my head. “Just a splinter in my palm.”
She closed the distance between us and took my hand into hers, her touch so soft, so tender. “That’s so tiny, I can barely see it. Do you have tweezers?”
“Nope, fresh out of those.” I grinned down at her, unable to remember the last time anyone paid any kind of caring attention to me.
“Duct tape, you must have some of that, right?” She met my gaze, an eyebrow raised as her expression turned determined.
“Yeah, in the laundry. Let me grab some.”
She followed me indoors, her presence close, and I enjoyed her company. When I turned back around, tape in hand, she stood inches from me, and her cheeks blushed red. So, it wasn’t just me who suddenly realized we were so close. I saw the golden flecks in her eyes as her breaths sped up, and my cock twitched. The more time I spent with her, the dirtier thoughts were that filled my mind.