Page 21 of When She's Merry
“Iampretty great,” I whisper back, amused. His stunned demeanor is kind of adorable. I kiss him again, a quick peck this time. “Thank you for the lovely holiday. Even if you don’t believe me, I really am feeling pretty merry right now.”
For all that this has been a weird holiday, it’s made Liesje happy. It’s made me happy, too. It’s given me something to look forward to and made me feel like a person again. Sometimes I get so caught up in farming and the day-to-day of what needs to be done that I forget to relax and enjoy myself. Jerry reminds me to slow down and take care of myself (and him by proxy), but being with Sinath is different. It’s like he reminds me that it’s okay to laugh, even at this end of the universe.
I didn’t realize how much I missed laughing. Or being sexy.
With a sigh, I press my forehead to his ridged one, content.
“Well,” Sinath breathes. “I’m not sure how I’m going to explain the stain on the front of my trou in the morning.”
I bite back a giggle. “If you want to take them off to wash them, I promise I won’t say anything. We can lay them out by the heater and they’ll be dry by morning.”
He grins, his teeth flashing white in the darkness, and his smile makes my stomach do a happy little flip. “Can I pleasure you first?”
I hesitate. It’s such a loaded question. If I say yes, is he only doing it out of obligation? Because I got him off? I touched him because I was feeling myself, because I wanted to make him feel good. If he returns the favor because he feels he has to, the moment loses all its joy. I don’t want sex with me to feel like homework.
But if I say no, what kind of moron am I? It’s free head. Who in their right mind turns that sort of thing down? And I’m more turned on at the moment than I have been in years.
I just wish he’d offered to do me first so all these doubts in my head would vanish. Then again, I took the initiative so it’s not fair to hold that against him now. “Do you want to? Touch me? Because I’m fine with going to sleep now instea—”
Before I can even finish the sentence, his hand is between my thighs, cupping my pussy. I bite back a gasp of surprise, only to feel his mouth on mine again. “I would love to,” he tells me between eager kisses. “I have been wanting to touch you for so long. Tell me if I do something you don’t like?”
“O-okay,” I agree shakily. “It’s been a while for me, so…”
“So…?” He leans in, his nose rubbing against mine, and waits for an answer.
“So…I don’t know. It’s just been a while.” I’m flustered. It’s not like I’ve forgotten how to have an orgasm. I have a hand, after all. But it felt important to tell him that.
“It’s been a while for me, too,” Sinath confesses. “Thirty years.”
I snort with amusement. “Is this your way of telling me you’re a virgin?”
“You mean it wasn’t obvious? I’ve got more skill than I thought.”
My shoulders shake, and I bite my lip to keep from laughing out loud. He’s making all of my nervousness disappear with his jokes, and I love that he doesn’t take himself too seriously. It makes him easy to be around. “Just kiss me.”
He does, leaning in to rub his mouth over mine, and the kisses take on a languid, lazy feeling. It’s nice. It feels as if we could just kiss all night and there would be nothing more needed than that, and I like it. Sinath nips at my lower lip, grazing it with his teeth, and then sucks gently on it, making me whimper. He lifts his head, gazing down at me. “Can I ask for something?”
“What’s that?”
The hand remaining still over my pussy flexes. “Can I touch your bare skin? Or are you more comfortable with me here?”
Oh. He wants more than just petting over the clothing. In a way, I’m relieved. I’m not sure I can get off through a few layers of fabric, and I’d really, really like to get off. “You can.”
Sinath makes a pleased sound low in his throat and then kisses me again, even as his hand creeps up to the waist of the borrowed pajamas. He teases his fingers against the band, giving me a moment to get comfortable, I suspect, before he slides inside.
I’m not prepared for just how warm his fingers feel against my bare skin, or how big and thick they are. My breath catches and I press my face against his neck, against the velvety blue skin there, and bite.
He hisses quietly, even as his fingers brush over my folds and then stroke through my pussy. I’msoaked. So damn soaked. I can feel just how slick I am when he touches me, heat pulsing through my body and throbbing between my thighs.
“Where does it feel good for a human?” he asks, moving those amazing fingers up and down the slick cleft of my pussy. “Tell me how to touch you.”
A moan rises in my throat and I bury my face against that warm, wonderful throat again as I guide his hand to my clit. “Touch here,” I say. “Sensitive. And give me your fingers. Inside.” I have no idea if I’m making any sense, but fully formed sentences aren’t springing to my head. I should say more. Give him more instructions. Instead, all I can manage is a soft, “Please.”
“I’ve got you,” Sinath murmurs, and then his fingers are on my clit, and I gasp, biting down on his throat and then sucking hard. He gasps, too, and then he’s teasing my clit with gentle touches, trying out different movements until he sees which ones I respond to. His fingers move lower after a moment, finding the entrance of my body and pushing in.
My nails dig into his skin and I whimper, sucking on his throat.
“Oh, kef,” he breathes. “You’re so warm and wet. That’s incredible.”